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Trinidad's court reaffirms recognition of ConocoPhillips' claim against Venezuela

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Adds context, details in paragraphs 2-10, byline

By Curtis Williams

July 18 (Reuters) -Trinidad and Tobago's High Court on Thursday reaffirmed a decision recognizing U.S. oil producer ConocoPhillips' COP.N arbitration claim against Venezuela, which could freeze the Caribbean country's payments to its neighbor for joint natural gas projects.

In late May, the court's original decision opened the door for ConocoPhillips to enforce in that country a $1.33 billion claim against Venezuela for past expropriations by seizing any compensation from joint energy projects.

Venezuela and its state-owned company PDVSAdid not respond to the court bya deadline to present their arguments, Judge Frank Seepersad said in his decision seen by Reuters.

Earlier this month, Venezuela's embassy in Port of Spain, Trinidad' capital, acknowledged receipt of the court order, the document showed.

"The ordergives to the claimant a green light to be able to enforce the judgment in Trinidad if they can establish there are assets held by the defendants or there is money which is owed to the defendant by entities in Trinidad and Tobago," Judge Seepersad said in May when he made his original decision.

PDVSA paid Conoco about $700 million through a settlement agreement, but ceased payments in late 2019. Conoco has since attempted similar moves in Caribbean countries seeking to enforce arbitration rulings against Venezuela and PDVSA.

In a U.S. federal court, the oil producer is among companies at the top of a list of creditors pursuing proceeds from an auction of shares in one of PDVSA's subsidiaries, PDV Holding, whose only asset is Houston-based refiner Citgo.

Venezuela and Trinidad, along with energy companies NGC, Shell SHEL.L and BP BP.L are looking to develop major offshore gas fields shared by the countries and on the Venezuelan side of the maritime border.

Shell declined to comment. Conoco, NGC and PDVSA did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

As part of those projects' negotiations, parties in Trinidad were expected to pay PDVSA and Venezuela bonds to have access to the gas reserves, Conoco has told the court.

Reporting by Curtis Williams; writing by Marianna Parraga; editing by Chris Reese and Richard Chang


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