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FBI arrests man over SEC hack, alleging bitcoin manipulation

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January hack sent bitcoin prices surging

Eric Council Jr. arrested for SIM swapping hack, allegedly received bitcoin payment

Council charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated identity theft, access device fraud

Adds SEC reaction in paragraphs 5-6

By Douglas Gillison, Chris Prentice and Sarah N. Lynch

WASHINGTON, Oct 17 (Reuters) -A 25-year-old Alabama man was arrested on Thursday for hacking the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's X account this year as part of an alleged conspiracy to manipulate bitcoin prices, U.S. prosecutors said.

In January, a hacker posted false news on the SEC's @SECGov X social media account announcing the agency had approved bitcoin exchange-traded funds, causing the price of the cryptocurrency to spike. The agency quickly disavowed and deleted the post.

The incident sparked criticism of the SEC, the top U.S. markets regulator, and renewed concerns over security on X since it was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in October 2022.

Eric Council Jr. of Athens, Alabama, was arrested in connection with the "SIM-swapping" hack, the U.S. Attorney's office for the District of Columbia said in a statement.

A lawyer for Council did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The SEC said it appreciated the FBI's work.

"The SEC thanks law enforcement for their vigilance in seeking accountability for the breach of the SEC's X account," said a spokesperson.

Federal prosecutors allege that Council assisted unnamed co-conspirators who had identified a victim with access to the SEC's X account - dubbed "C.L." They instructed Council on how to switch the victim's phone to a new device and then used the access to post the bogus message on the SEC's account.

The post on X caused bitcoin prices to spike by $1,000. Council later received bitcoin payment for the SIM swap and shortly after he drove to Birmingham, Alabama, to return the iPhone, according to the Justice Department.

Council subsequently performed internet searches for phrases such as "what are some signs that the FBI is after you" and looked for information about deleting accounts maintained on the encrypted messaging app Telegram, prosecutors allege.

Council has been charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated identity theft and access device fraud, according to the indictment.

The day after the hack, the SEC formally approved the bitcoin ETFs, which have brought the cryptocurrency further into the mainstream.

Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch and Douglas Gillison in Washington and Chris Prentice in New York
Editing by Michelle Price, Matthew Lewis and Rod Nickel


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