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Pernod Ricard offloads bulk of wine unit to focus on spirits

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>UPDATE 2-Pernod Ricard offloads bulk of wine unit to focus on spirits</title></head><body>

Adds AWL comment in paragraph 9; detail in paragraph 10; background in paragraphs 11-12

LONDON, July 17 (Reuters) -Pernod Ricard PERP.PA said on Wednesday it agreed to sell the majority of its wine portfolio to the owners of Australia's Accolade Wines, disposing of a dragging division to focus on its core business of spirits.

The world's No.2 Western spirits maker plans to sell its wine brands from Australia, New Zealand and Spain, including well-known labels like Jacobs Creek, Stoneleigh and Campo Viejo, subject to regulatory approvals. It did not disclose a price.

The move will see Pernod hone its portfolio further towards spirits like Absolut Vodka and Martell cognac, especially liquors with a higher price tag. It will also continue to own champagne brands like Mumm and its U.S. and French wine brands, as well as labels in Argentina and China.

Pernod said in a statement the deal would allow it to direct its resources to brands that drive growth, while its former wine brands would belong to a dedicated wine player with global sales.

"(They) will benefit from the focus required to achieve their potential, reinforce their position and seize opportunities around the world," the spirits maker said.

Wine sales made up just 4% of Pernod's sales in the financial year that ended in June 2023, when they declined by 2%. The company has increasingly focused on expensive liquors as wine has lost drinkers to beer and spirits in Western markets. Consumption in China, a former high-growth wine market, is now shrinking.

The wine industry globally is grappling with a supply glut, forcing some producers to destroy vines, and recent years' harvests have also been hit by poor weather.

The consortium of investors that owns Accolade, Australian Wine Holdco Limited (AWL), comprises funds backed by U.S. private equity giant Bain Capital and others. AWL said it would combine Pernod's assets with Accolade.

"(The deal) will create a more certain and financially sustainable future for the business," AWL spokesperson Joshua Hart said, adding the combined business would be better able to adapt to changing consumer tastes and meet the challenges facing the industry.

Pernod said the transaction is expected to close in the second half of 2025.

The spirits maker said last year it was "continuously exploring" options, including divestments, in response to a report by the Australian Financial Review on a possible sale of some of its wine business.

The newspaper, citing unnamed sources, reported in May that Pernod's Australian wine assets could be worth about A$500 million ($336.75 million).

($1 = 1.4848 Australian dollars)

Reporting by Emma Rumney; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Jamie Freed


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