XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Singapore-Laos clean power deal stuck over transmission, sources say

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By Sudarshan Varadhan and Panu Wongcha-um

SINGAPORE/BANGKOK, July 17 (Reuters) -The extension of a multilateral deal by Singapore to import hydropower from Laos is stuck due to disagreements over how the energy will be transmitted through Malaysia and Thailand, two regional government sources familiar with the matter said.

The Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore (LTMS) Project to supply up to 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity from Laos via Thailand and neighbouring Malaysia was hailed by Singapore as "historic" when it was signed in 2022.

Grid interconnection is widely seen as a key solution to cut the growing reliance on fossil fuels for power generation, and the deal was valid for two years that ended June 22, 2024.

The power retail arm of Singapore's Keppel Ltd KPLM.SI and Electricite du Laos (EDL) signed a renewal agreement on June 24, but Singapore has yet to sign deals with Thailand and Malaysia due to disagreements over the quantity of power to be purchased, the sources said.

Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand have until Dec. 31 to sign transmission agreements, said one of the sources, who was directly involved in the negotiations. But both sources, who declined to be named because they are not authorised to speak to the media, said a final agreement was unlikely.

"LTMS might be dead for the moment. There's truly no extension," the source involved in the discussion said.

The Energy Market Authority Singapore and the state-run utilities of Thailand, Malaysia and Laos did not respond to Reuters' requests for comment. A spokesperson for Keppel said the company does not comment on "market talk".

During discussions last month in Vientiane, officials from Thailand and Malaysia had asked Singapore to guarantee the purchase of a fixed amount of electricity to cover transmission costs, a condition that Singapore refused, both sources said.

The original agreement provided for payment of transmission charges only for the power purchased, one of the sources said.

Extending the deal was also complicated by competition among economies for access to renewable electricity.

In December, Thailand's prime minister said the country had informed Laos that it will not allow electricity to pass through to Singapore as it wanted to purchase the power itself, Thai news portal The Nation quoted him as saying at a public event.

Thai officials at the Vientiane meeting also said they were awaiting policy directions from the government to continue with LTMS, and an approval seemed unlikely, the source said.

"Nobody wants to defy the words of the PM," the source said.

Reporting by Sudarshan Varadhan; editing by Miral Fahmy


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