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Romanian court reinstates influencer Andrew Tate's travel ban

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Adds court, Tate comments, updates throughout

BUCHAREST, July 16 (Reuters) -Internet personality Andrew Tate will not be able to leave Romania while awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking after a Romanian court of appeal on Tuesday overturned a previous ruling.

Tate was indicted in mid-2023 along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian female suspects for human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women, allegations they have denied.

In April this year, the Bucharest court ruled their trial could start, a decision Tate appealed. Pending a ruling on his appeal, the four suspects were banned from leaving Romania.

Earlier this month, the Bucharest court lifted the restriction, granting the suspects freedom of movement within the EU, a ruling prosecutors challenged and the Bucharest Court of Appeals overturned on Tuesday.

The court "accepts the challenge brought by anti-organized crime prosecuting agency DIICOT," it said in a statement.

"It rejects as unfounded the accused's request to replace the obligation to not leave Romanian territory with the obligation of not leaving the European Union."

The Tate brothers, both former kickboxers with dual U.S. and British citizenship, are the highest-profile suspects facing trial for human trafficking in Romania.

Tate, a self-described misogynist, has gained millions of fans by promoting an ultra-masculine lifestyle that critics say denigrates women.

"God has made a plan for me, and I am following his decisions," Tate told reporters in court on Tuesday.

"If I get shot in the head, I get shot in the head. If I get free, I get free. If I stay home, I stay home. I'm happy. I'm not emotionally involved in any of the process. I'm going to follow the law. I'm going to respect the Romanian judicial system. Whatever they decide, I will do."

The brothers were held in police custody during the criminal investigation from late December 2022 until April 2023 to prevent them from fleeing the country or tampering with evidence.

They were then placed under house arrest until last August, when courts put them under judicial control, a lighter preventative measure.

Reporting by Luiza Ilie and Octav Ganea; Editing by Alan Charlish and Christina Fincher


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