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Prices trade in a narrow range amid strong inventories

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LONDON, July 16 (Reuters) -Dutch and British gas prices were slightly up on Tuesday morning, trading in a narrow range amid strong inventories and as the market is cautiously monitoring LNG supply, after Freeport LNG said will restart one train this week.

The benchmark front-month contract at the Dutch TTF hub TRNLTTFMc1 was up 0.55 euros at 32.10 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), or $10.25/mmbtu, by 0839 GMT, LSEG data showed.

The Dutch day-ahead contract <TRNLTTFD1 was up 0.76 euros at 31.8 euros/MWh.

In the British market, the front-month contract TRGBNPMc1 was up 2.15 pence at 73.85 pence per therm.

Freeport LNG said on Monday it plans to restart one of three liquefied natural gas trains this week at its Texas facility after the company repairs some damage from Hurricane Beryl.

The LNG exporter plans to restart the remaining two trains shortly after the first resumes operation, but production will be reduced while it continues repairs.

"The market maintains a cautious position because of the risk factors, in particular on LNG supply," analysts at Engie's EnergyScan said in a morning note.

Meanwhile, there are no LNG vessels expected in the UK for the coming weeks, consultancy Auxilione said in a daily note.

European gas storage facilities are currently 81% full, data from Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) showed.

Wind speeds across Northwest Europe are declining, which should add to gas for power demand, which is up by 194 gigawatt hour per day (GWh/d) on the day ahead at 1,866 GWh/d, said LSEG analyst Saku Jussila.

In Britain, peak wind power output is forecast at 7.3 gigawatts (GW) on Tuesday, falling to 4.6 GW on Wednesday, Elexon data showed.

In the European carbon market, the benchmark contract fell by 0.14 euros to 67.50 euros a metric ton.

Reporting by Marwa Rashad;
Editing by Susanna Twidale


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