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Olympics-Organisers confident triathlon to go ahead despite possible rain impact on Seine

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PARIS, July 27 (Reuters) -Paris 2024 organisers said they are confident the triathlon events will take place as scheduled on Tuesday even though the recent rainfall might lead to Sunday's training session being cancelled due to concerns over the water quality in the Seine.

"The rain that has fallen on Paris over the last 24 hours is likely to impact the quality of the water in the Seine over the next 24 to 36 hours," organisers said in a statement to Reuters.

"Depending on current water quality levels and the conditions expected over the next 24 hours, it is possible that the familiarisation (athlete training) scheduled for Sunday 28 July at 8 a.m. may be cancelled."

A decision on whether the training will be held will be made at 4 a.m. (0200 GMT) on Sunday.

"We are nonetheless confident in our ability to organise the events as planned from 30 July. Given the weather forecast for the next 48 hours, we expect the water quality to return to below limits within the next 24 to 36 hours," the statement said.

"As observed in July, with summer conditions (more sunshine, higher temperatures, prolonged absence of rain) water quality is improving significantly."

Reporting by Julien Pretot; Editing by Alison Williams


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