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Blinken pays respects in Vietnam after death of Communist Party leader

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Adds readouts from State Department on meetings, paragraphs 14-16; link to trade story in paragraph 10

Blinken conveyed Biden's condolences to Trong's family

Blinken met with Vietnam President To Lam and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

US reaffirmed commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region

By Simon Lewis

HANOI, July 27 (Reuters) -U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Vietnam on Saturday to pay his respects following the death of Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong, underlining warmer ties between the countries a half-century since they fought a brutal war.

Blinken arrived in Hanoi late on Saturday after attending a regional summit in Laos and visited the family home of Trong, a Marxist-Leninist ideologue who as party chief was Vietnam's most powerful figure for 13 years. He died last week aged 80.

Trong's "bamboo diplomacy" trod a delicate balancing act between rival superpowers the United States and Communist neighbour China, helping to elevate Vietnam's ties with its two biggest trade partners.

Blinken greeted Trong's family before lighting an incense stick in front of a shrine displaying the general secretary's photo. He then stood for a moment with his hands clasped in a show of respect.

He wrote a page-long message in a condolence book and during conversations with Trong's family, conveyed the condolences of President Joe Biden.

Trong's two-day state funeral, which ended on Friday, drew more than 250,000 mourners in ceremonies in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and his home in Dong Anh on the outskirts of the capital, state media reported.


Blinken's brief visit comes at a sensitive time for U.S.-Vietnam relations, which have improved given shared concerns about China's growing regional clout and interest from U.S. investors in a country with an economy that grew an average 5.8% annually during Trong's time in office.

During a visit by Biden to Hanoi last year, the countries upgraded ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has promoted Vietnam as a "friend-shoring" destination to shift U.S. supply chains away from China.

The U.S. Commerce Department is due to announce by Friday whether to upgrade Vietnam to market-economy status, something Hanoi has long sought.

The upgrade is opposed by U.S. steelmakers, Gulf Coast shrimpers, honey farmers and members of the U.S. Congress representing them, but backed by retailers and some other business groups.

After visiting Trong's home, Blinken also met Vietnam President To Lam, the former internal security agency chief who has assumed Trong's duties, and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Blinken told Lam that Trong was a "visionary leader" who built a lasting bridge between the two countries and showed the world they could move forward despite their difficult past.

In his meeting with the prime minister, Blinken said one of the highlights of the Biden administration was its elevation of its strategic ties with Hanoi.

Readouts of Blinken's Hanoi meetings from State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller referred to "a partnership at the highest level."

In the meeting with Chinh, both sides "welcomed the progress the United States and Vietnam have made together in implementing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership," he said.

"The Secretary reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to working with Vietnam to advance our shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific region and supporting a strong, independent, prosperous, and resilient Vietnam," he said.

Reporting by Simon Lewis; additional reporting by David Brunnstrom in Washington; Writing by Martin Petty;
Editing by Helen Popper and Rod Nickel


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