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More factors pointing to a perfect storm for JPY

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July 18 (Reuters) -USD/JPY could continue to spiral lower on a combination of factors. While the drop may become more gradual due topersistent Japanese importer demand, those short yen versus the U.S. dollar and other currenciesare nervous, and could belooking to unwind money-losingtrades.

USD/JPY has fallen a fair bit after trading to a multi-decade high of 161.96 on July 3. Japanese FX intervention July 11-12 started the process nL1N3J402N. Dealers suggest another round may have occurredon July 17 but on much lower volume, taking it down to 155.38 in Asia Thursday nL1N3J90RI, nL1N3J90VW.

U.S. Treasury yields have fallen hard in recent sessions as the market fully priced in a quarter-pointU.S. Federal Reserve rate cut in September, and as much as 100 basis points in cuts by March nL1N3J90LL.

Other factors may have been at work in the last USD/JPY swoon too. Japanese investors who have recently been piling into U.S. equities may have reversed course, selling out holdings in the S&P 500 and Nasdaqindices and before USD/JPY fell further. This couldaccount for the large declines in the S&P and Nasdaqeven as the Dow Jones index plied to a fresh record high.

Another factor appearsto be expectationsof a possible second DonaldTrump presidency. Trump spoke of major currency problems Wednesday, highlighting yen and Chinese yuan weakness nL1N3J90IV. Given a likely slump in global trade and growth if he is elected U.S. president,as well as other political and economic repercussions, a broader paringof JPY short positions may be the safest option.

For more click on FXBUZ

USD/JPY: https://tmsnrt.rs/4fbeRCK

Japan's history of yen interventions: https://tmsnrt.rs/3MiQrHT

Haruya Ida is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own. Editing by Sonali Desai


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