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China fertiliser exports plunge 86% after rising government intervention

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By Mei Mei Chu

BEIJING, July 18 (Reuters) -China's exports of key fertiliser ingredient urea slowed to a trickle during the first half of 2024, with shipments plunging 86.2% from a year ago, as Beijing's intervention aimed at cooling domestic prices threatens to squeeze global supply.

China is the world's largest producer of urea, accounting for about a third of global supplies, but since 2021 it has imposed measures including export quotas and lengthy inspection requirements to protect domestic supply.

Beijing stepped up export restrictions this year, after it had in late 2023 asked major fertiliser trading firms to limit total exports in 2024 to 944,000 metric tons.

Urea shipments in June slowed to 70,000 metric tons, a 67% decline from a year ago, customs data released on Thursday showed. For the January to June period, urea exports plunged to 140,000 tons.

"The government strengthened control over urea exports during the first half of the year to ensure supply and stabilise prices. Everyone is now paying attention to when the export controls can be slightly relaxed," said Gavin Ju, principal fertiliser analyst at CRU Group.

There may be hope for exports to moderate after September when the fertiliser season ends and domestic prices ease, but it is entirely dependent on the government's decisions, Ju said.

Concerns over rising government intervention and unreliable Chinese supplies have prompted Asian fertiliser buyers to turn to producers in Russia, Vietnam, Egypt and the Middle East.

China Agricultural Means of Production Association (CAMPA) this week warned that export policies for phosphate may also tighten due to a surge in domestic prices and have urged companies to stop speculative buying.

China is the world's biggest phosphate exporter.

Exports of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) during Jan-June have also dropped 37% from a year ago to 1.51 million tons, while mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) exports were virtually unchanged at 930,000 tons.

Reporting by Mei Mei Chu; Editing by Michael Perry


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