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Italy - Factors to watch on April 26

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Friday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Journalists at Italian state broadcaster RAI will strike next month in protest against the "suffocating control" over their work by Giorgia Meloni's right-wing government, the reporters' trade union Usigrai said on Thursday.

Italian right-wing army general Roberto Vannacci, known for disparaging LGBT people, migrants, minorities and feminists, will be a candidate for the co-ruling League party at European elections in June, the League announced on Thursday.


(*) European Central Bank policymaker Fabio Panetta called on Thursday for timely and small interest rate cuts to stem the risk of prolonged economic stagnation in the euro area.

Panetta, the governor of the Bank of Italy, made the case for starting monetary easing early and going in small steps - pausing if inflation were to accelerate.

DBRS rating agency scheduled review of sovereign debt rating on Italy. (after 2000 GMT)


ECB releases March data on Italian banks domestic government bond holdings (0800 GMT).


Bourse After Hours market closed.


Czech energy group EPH, controlled by billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, is evaluating the possibility to exercise an option to take over the Italian utility's stake in the main Slovak electricity producer Slovenske Elektrarne, EPH's Chief Financial Officer Pavel Horsky said on Thursday.

Enel plans to hire up to 2,000 workers by 2026 to boost its energy distribution business in Italy, sector trade unions said on Thursday after negotiations with the company.


The steel pipe maker said on Thursday it sees sales and margins dropping in the second quarter due to sluggish drilling in North America and a decline in the third quarter due to stoppages at many of its mills. The Luxembourg-based group on Thursday reported a better-than-expected 17% yearly fall in first-quarter sales to $3.44 billion, with core earnings (EBITDA) down 33% to $987 million.

Conference call on Q1 results (1200 GMT).


(*) The financial group said on Thursday that, considering its pre-existing stake and the shares obtained through the offer it began in April, it had surpassed the 90% threshold of the share capital of Unipol Sai which required for the expected delisting of the insurer.

Friday is the last available day for Unipol Sai shareholders to tender their shares to Unipol.


ITA Airways and German rival Lufthansa LHAG.DE will propose further remedies to try to secure EU antitrust approval for the tie-up between the two carriers, Italy's economy minister said on Thursday.


Annual general meeting (0800 GMT).


Annual general meeting (0900 GMT).


Pescara, Brothers of Italy party starts programmatic conference; ends on April 28. On Friday Parliamentary Affairs Minister Luca Ciriani delivers opening address (1300 GMT).

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