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Insurer Travelers profit jumps on investment gains, underwriting strength

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July 18 (Reuters) -Travelers CompaniesTRV.N reported a jump in second-quarter profit, driven by higher investment income and strong underwriting that offset a hit from catastrophe losses, the insurance bellwether said on Friday.

Individuals and businesses are reviving spending on their insurance policies, allowing insurers to attract and retain clients despite higher prices in some cases.

Net written premiums were8% higher in the reported quarter thana year earlier, with growth across its units, the company said.

Underwriting gains jumped 55% to $1.2 billion, while net investment income rose 24%, thanks to strong fixed income returns and growth in fixed maturity investments.

A steadyU.S. economy, bets ofinterest-rate cutsand rising geopolitical uncertainty have helped fuelactivity across U.S. equity markets.

The euphoria has alsospread to other asset classes, bolstering gainsacross investment portfolios.

Catastrophe losses, net of reinsurance, rose to$1.51 billion from $1.48 billion a year earlier, due to severewind and hail storms in the United States.

"We are pleased to have generated a strong bottom-line result in a quarter that included a record level of severe convective storms across the United States," said Chairman and CEOAlan Schnitzer.

Global insured losses from natural catastrophes in the first half of 2024 were at least $61 billion, 25% above the 10-yearaverage for the period, heavily driven by storm activity in the United States, according to a report by reinsurance broker Gallagher Re.

The company's core income rose to $585 million, or $2.51 per share, for the three months ended June 30, compared with $15 million, or $0.06 per share, a year earlier.

Its underlying combined ratio also improved to 87.7%, compared with 91.1% a year earlier. A ratio below 100% means the insurer earned more in premiums than it paid out in claims.

Reporting by Noor Zainab Hussain in Bengaluru; Editing by Devika Syamnath


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