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Glass Lewis recommends Masimo investors elect Politan candidates to board

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NEW YORK, July 12 (Reuters) -Proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis recommends that Masimo shareholders elect activist investor Politan's two proposed candidates to the medical device maker's five-member board, according to a report reviewed by Reuters.

"We believe investors should endorse the election of (William) Jellison and (Darlene) Solomon at this time," the report said, arguing the current board is to blame for failures at the company, including its tumbling stock price.

"The existing board remains obdurately committed to legacy oversight methodologies which have consistently enabled and amplified poor governance architecture, wide operational misses, nil-return strategic excursions, seemingly de minimis accountability and, ultimately, a lax commitment to acknowledging and addressing profound damage to shareholder value," the report said.

This marks the second time in two years that Politan has proposed board candidates. Last year shareholders elected its two suggested directors, including the firm's founder, hedge fund manager Quentin Koffey.

Masimo's stock price has tumbled 24% over the last 52 weeks.

Glass Lewis and its bigger rival Institutional Shareholder Services influence how investors vote on critical issues including proposed mergers and who sits on the board with their recommendations. ISS has not yet issued its report on Masimo.

Shareholders will vote on July 25 unless the two sides find a compromise beforehand.

Reporting by Svea Herbst-Bayliss; Editing by David Holmes


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