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Champagne makers call for reduced grape harvest after 15% drop in sales

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PARIS, July 19 (Reuters) -France's champagne producers on Friday called for a cut in the number of grapes harvested this year after sales of the wine fell more than 15% in the first half of the year as customers tightened their belts due to an uncertain economy.

Champagne shipments in the first half of 2024 reached 106.7 million bottles, down 15.2% from a particularly high level recorded over the same period of 2023 and closer to the level in 2019.

"The gloomy global geopolitical and economic situation, as well as generalised inflation, is weighing on household consumption. Champagne also continues to suffer the consequences of overstocking by retailers in 2021 and 2022," David Chatillon, chairman of the Champagne Houses lobby, said in a statement issued by the producers association, the Comite Champagne (Champagne Committee).

The committee said that this year's harvest in Champagne had suffered from poor weather since the start of the year, including frosts and wet weather which increased mildew fungus attacks in its vineyards.

It set a maximum yield of grapes that can be harvested at 10,000 kg per hectare, down from 11,400 kg/ha in 2023.

As opposed to other wine production, most champagne bottles are a mix between several vintages, using stocks from previous years. These stocks are replenished during good years and can compensate for poor harvests.

It is not the first time that the region has suffered severe losses due to a combination of frosts and mildew damages. In 2021, the yield had shed 25% compared to the five-year average with the harvest falling to a 35-year low.

Harvesting was expected to begin around Sept. 10-12, on average.

Unlikelast year, the committee did not give full-year forecasts for sales and exports.

Reporting by Sybille de La Hamaide, Editing by Louise Heavens


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