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EU wheat rallies as French crop rating plunges

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PARIS, July 19 (Reuters) -European wheat futures climbed 4% on Friday as a steep decline in French crop conditions heightened concerns about a poor harvest and encouraged prices to rebound from a four-month low.

Front-month September wheat BL2U4 on Euronext was up 4.1% at 223.75 euros ($243.53) a metric ton by 1440 GMT, after reaching a one-week high at 224.50 euros.

The rally drew technical impetus as futures filled a chart gap created during a slide on Monday.

The front-month contract struck a four-month low of 211.50 euros on Tuesday, pressured by U.S. and Russian harvest supply.

Prices found support mid-week as major importers Egypt and Algeria held tenders, though reaction was tempered by stiff export competition from Black Sea origins.

Friday's news of a sharp decline in a weekly rating of French wheat crops then encouraged some participants to cover short positions before the weekend.

"The French conditions report with the five point fall woke everyone up," a futures dealer said. "It's a typical move for a Friday."

An estimated 52% of French soft wheat was in good or excellent condition by July 15, down from 57% a week earlier and the lowest score for the period since 2016, data from farm office FranceAgriMer showed.

The data put attention back on the rain-hit French crop as a hot spell this week is set to bring the slow-moving harvest to major northern grain belts.

Repeated showers in France and other parts of Europe have also raised concern about wheat quality in this year's harvest.

Traders have reported some weak readings for test weights in early French wheat results but other milling quality indicators appeared more satisfactory.

News that consultancy IKAR has trimmed its 2024 Russian grain production and export forecasts also shifted attention back towards mixed crop conditions in Russia, the world's largest wheat exporter.

Chicago wheat Wv1 also climbed over 3% as it also moved away from a four-month low struck this week. GRA/

($1 = 0.9188 euros)

Reporting by Gus Trompiz; editing by David Evans


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