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Technical Analysis – Apple stock plummets to 7-week low

  • Apple shares open with a negative price gap

  • Barclays' downgrade triggers the move

  • Short-term oscillators tilt significantly to the downside

Apple’s stock had been experiencing a steep uptrend since the October bottom of 165.50, posting a fresh record high of 198.08 in mid-December. However, the latter was followed by a mild pullback, which deteriorated after the price opened with a wide negative gap on Tuesday on the back of a Barclays' downgrade.

Should the weakness resume, the bears might push the price below 185.63, which is the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement of the 198.08-165.50 downtrend. Further retreats might then come to a halt at the 50.0% Fibo of 181.79. Even lower, the 38.2% Fibo of 177.94 may provide downside protection.

On the flipside, if bullish pressures strengthen, immediate resistance could be found at the 78.6% Fibo of 191.11. A violation of that level might pave the way for the July peak of 198.08 ahead of the all-time high of 199.40. Storming to uncharted waters, the stock might then face resistance at the 123.6% Fibo of 205.77.

In brief, Apple’s stock opened with a significant price gap on Tuesday, but the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) prevented further declines for now. The upcoming sessions could determine whether this was an overreaction or the beginning of a fresh downleg.

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