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Olympic Games can withstand Atos farce

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. Refiles to add company code in first paragraph.

By Pierre Briancon

LONDON, June 26 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Atos's ATOS.PA fortunes have gone from bad to worse in the past month. With no chief executive at the helm, two camps vying for control, and total confusion over who will be in command in a couple of weeks’ time, the French company that supplies technology for the Paris Olympics can avoid immediate collapse having secured 800 million euros of short-term financing. Beyond that its future is uncertain.

Atos has suffered as a result of a series of poor strategic choices in recent years and is now saddled with a 4.8 billion euro debt pile. Meanwhile, its shares have fallen 98% in the last five years. To add to the misery, on Wednesday a consortium of bondholders led by entrepreneur David Layani said it was withdrawing its bid for the French IT group, only two weeks after its restructuring offer had been chosen by a French administrator over a competing bid of Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky.

Bondholders balked at Kretinsky’s offer which would have wiped out some 4 billion euros of debt — against 2.9 billion euros erased under Layani’s, which left them with a sizeable stake in the group. The Czech businessman — who, according to Atos, remains interested in taking over the company — was on the other hand offering some 600 million euros worth of new money against the rival bid’s 250 million euros.

Kretinsky is now in a position to drive a hard bargain, especially after his rival’s withdrawal is a sign they have suddenly discovered that Atos may shortly need more cash than expected. But it may take some time for him to clinch the deal. Last week, the group expressed confidence that it is on track to obtain the 800 million euros it needs by the end of July, when the Paris Olympics will be in full swing. Meanwhile the French government has confirmed that it will buy the group’s strategic assets which it wants to keep in domestic hands. But the price tag of 700 million euros is the lowest end of the range it had previously flagged.

The Olympic Games look safe for now and Kretinsky seems to believe in the group’s industrial viability. But the road from a friendly pre-administration process known in France as “amicable conciliation procedure” to full-blown bankruptcy has never looked shorter.

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French technology firm Atos said on June 26 a consortium led by investor David Layani's Onepoint had withdrawn from restructuring discussions, but that it still planned to reach a definitive agreement by July.

Another consortium, the EPEI group led by Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, which was knocked out of the running in June, has sent Atos a letter informing it of its interest in rejoining talks, the company said.

Atos share price over five years https://reut.rs/4bg8ivb

Editing by Aimee Donnellan and Streisand Neto


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