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Grenfell Tower fire: Families demand criminal prosecutions after inquiry

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Prosecutors have waited for final inquiry report

Criminal charges might not come until late 2026

Disaster blamed on failings by state, firms and industry

72 people died in blaze

By Catarina Demony

LONDON, Sept 4 (Reuters) -Hisam Choucair lost his sister, his brother-in-law and three young nieces when a devastating fire engulfed Grenfell Tower, a 23-storey social housing block in west London, seven years ago.

"Words cannot describe the pain I have gone through," said the 46-year-old, as he held back tears at a news conference on Wednesday to mark the release of the final report by a public inquiry into the tragedy that killed 72 people, including his loved ones.

The inquiry panel blamed the disaster on failings by the government, construction industry and, most of all, the firms involved in fitting the tower's exterior with flammable cladding.

Choucair thanked the inquiry for its findings and recommendations, but said the probe had delayed the justice his family deserved as it did not allow for criminal proceedings to begin.

A public inquiry seeks to establish facts but it is not a criminal court. The Crown Prosecution Service said it did not expect to make any charging decisions until the end of 2026, meaning trials might only take place a decade after the blaze.

Choucair said the inquiry not only delayed justice but it was also distressing to watch.

"I have seen witnesses laugh while giving evidence, knowing they are partially to blame for what happened on the horrific day," he said.

Karim Khalloufi, from Morocco, whose sister Khadija died in the fire, said the inquiry "robbed" him and other family members and survivors of justice, but the time for it had now come.

"The minimum we are asking is criminal prosecution for manslaughter," Khalloufi said, promising to fight on.


Khalloufi said the group he is part of, the Grenfell Next of Kin, which organised the news conference, would meet with the government and other authorities, including police and prosecutors, to ensure justice was served.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Wednesday's release of the final report was a "long awaited day of truth but it must now lead to a day of justice".

Some are not hopeful. Shah Aghlani, who lost his mother and aunt in the fire, said he was pessimistic about criminal prosecution, saying he expected "smaller charges" that might only lead to fines and not jail time. .

If there is no adequate criminal prosecution, unsafe cladding such as that used at the Grenfell Tower will continue to be an issue in Britain and around the world, Aghlani argued.

"There are no consequences," he said. "Seven years on and people are living with this cladding, they are living in fear."

As of July 2024, 4,630 buildings standing at 11 metres or higher still had unsafe cladding, with remediation work yet to start on half of them, Britishgovernment data showed.

Maryam Adam, a survivor of the fire, said she wanted everyone to remember that the 72 who died were "people who lived and had dreams".

"I just want justice for them."

Reporting by Catarina Demony
Editing by Alexandra Hudson


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