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Geely looks ready to ride tariffs storm

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Katrina Hamlin

HONG KONG, July 2 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Geely Auto 0175.HK is motoring along nicely at just the right time. On Friday the $11 billion carmaker controlled by founder and Chair Li Shufu revealed that it more than doubled earnings in the first quarter to $220 million. One bump in the road is the European Union's tariffs on electric cars imported from China, which come into play on Thursday. But Li has options.

The company faces additional provisional levies of 20% on top on the current 10% for its battery-powered exports to the bloc. Its parent, Volvo owner Zhejiang Geely Holdings, one of China’s largest private automakers with sales of nearly 3 million cars last year, has protested Brussels' duties. If Geely Auto continues to sell models made in China by brands such as Zeekr it will either have to accept narrower margins or charge more.

However, the company can probably take the hit, or even delay European expansion. For starters, buyers are in general snapping up more Geely Auto cars. In the first three months of the year sales of its pure electric vehicles jumped by 55% and hybrids by 1000% - from a very low base - compared with the same period in 2023. While the group is investing heavily in EV brands like Zeekr, Lynk&Co and Galaxy, its gas guzzlers are having a moment, too, with sales up by a third. On Monday management revised up full-year sales forecast by 5%.

In addition, the carmaker holds around a third of Horse, a joint venture with Renault RENA.PA that has just attracted investment from Saudi Aramco 2222.SE and that sells tech for internal combustion engines rivals reduce spending on traditional motors.

Meanwhile, EU-bound EVs account for a relatively small part of both its current business and near-term growth. Overseas markets for all powertrains made up 18% of deliveries in the first three months of 2024. Perhaps two-thirds of these went to Eastern and Northern Europe, including countries outside the EU, based on last year's data.

As policymakers in Brussels mull whether to keep the provisional tariffs, and at what level, Geely’s results are a not-so-gentle reminder that even the most global of Chinese automakers currently have relatively little to lose there.

Li will still want Geely brands to be in the EU, the world’s second-largest market for electric cars after the People's Republic. But he can afford to drive slowly.

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Carmaker Geely Auto's net profit rose 119% to 1.6 billion yuan ($220 million) in the three months to the end of March, compared with a year earlier, according to a filing after market close on June 28. Sales rose 56% to 52.3 billion yuan.

Geely Auto's Hong Kong-listed shares fell 1.4% to HK$8.67 during morning trade in Hong Kong on July 2, the first trading day following the results.

Editing by xxx and Thomas Shum


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