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EQT’s $3 bln gaming play hits the right buttons

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Oliver Taslic

LONDON, July 3 (Reuters Breakingviews) -EQT EQTAB.ST has found a solid strategy for investing in the unreliable gaming market. The Swedish buyout shop is splurging 2.1 billion pounds on Keywords Studios KWS.L, a business that services game designers like Nintendo 7974.T. The fragmented nature of the outsourcing sector and the target’s long list of clients make it look like a relatively safe bet. Meanwhile, investors in Dublin-headquartered Keywords get to pocket a juicy 96% premium.

Gaming is a risky business. To develop a hit like “Grand Theft Auto V”, companies require multimillion-dollar investments, superstar designers and years of work. And even after all those upfront costs, there’s still the possibility that games will flop.

Keywords, however, is not your average video game company. Instead of taking on this risk, the firm provides “services” to gaming groups, such as translating “Dead Island 2” into different languages. Its wide range of clients helps insulate it, to some extent, from the vagaries of the broader industry. Last year, Keywords’ revenue rose 13%, compared to a roughly flat global video game sector.

That all helps explain EQT’s interest. The private equity firm has offered 2,450 pence a share, a whopping 96% premium to the average share price in the month to May 17, the last business day before the offer period began. Despite that, EQT does not appear to be overpaying. Since Keywords has no obvious big listed peers, outsourcing specialists Capgemini CAPP.PA and Accenture ACN.N and video game giants Take-Two Interactive Software TTWO.O and Electronic Arts EA.O provide a helpful guide. They’re currently valued, on average, at around 16 times these companies’ expected EBITDA in the coming year, according to LSEG data. Including 68 million euros of net debt, EQT's offer pegs Keywords’ enterprise value at around 14 times forward earnings.

There are some potential glitches. One is artificial intelligence: part of the reason EQT was able to offer such a chunky premium is that Keywords’ shares more than halved between the public release of ChatGPT in late 2022 and early May. Some investors fear rampant advances in generative AI could lead Keywords’ clients to simply move services in-house.

The flipside, though, is that much of the technology is not yet up to human levels. Second, with funding from EQT, Keywords can continue to act as a consolidator in a fragmented industry. Keywords’ directors intend to unanimously approve the offer, in stark contrast to other UK-listed takeover refuseniks in recent months. And given Keywords’ shares are trading just below the offer price, the deal could finish the final level.

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London-listed video game services group Keywords Studios announced on July 3 that it had agreed to be acquired by Swedish private equity firm EQT for around 2.1 billion pounds ($2.7 billion). On an enterprise value basis, the offer values Keywords at around 2.2 billion pounds, Keywords said.

The offer, worth 2,450 pence a share, represents a premium of around 67% to the closing share price on May 17, the last business day before the commencement of the offer period, according to the statement. It represents a premium of 96% to the volume-weighted average price for the one-month period ended May 17.

Keywords said that its directors intend to unanimously recommend the offer.

Keywords shares were up 2.9% at 2,386 pence at 0730 GMT on July 3.

Keywords Studios share price vs. EQT bid https://reut.rs/4coY6ln

Editing by Aimee Donnellan and Streisand Neto


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