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Brazil's 2025 coffee crop could have losses due to weather, says Cooxupe

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Adds forecaster's comments in paragraph 8-9

By Marcelo Teixeira

July 31 (Reuters) -Brazil's 2025 coffee crop could suffer losses if weather conditions remain unfavorable to coffee trees, as was the case in the last few months, an agronomist at Cooxupe, the country's largest coffee co-op, said on Wednesday.

Guilherme Vinicius Teixeira said during a presentation to associated farmers at Cooxupe's headquarters in Guaxupe, Minas Gerais,that most crops have not had rain for more than 120 days, and soil moisture is approaching critically lowlevels at the main producing areas of South Minas Gerais and Cerrado Mineiro.

"This long period without rains brings concerns. Farmers need to be alert regarding crop care, irrigate where possible, keep adequate level of fertilizing," Teixeira said.

Coffee production in Brazil has suffered from erratic weather patterns, such as frosts and periods of high temperatures with few or no showers.

The 2024 crop, whose harvest is around 80% done, is likely to be smaller than expected due to the lack of rain and above normal temperatures.

"We had the warmest May in 10 years, with rains below normal. Coffee fruits matured too quickly," Teixeira said.

Farmers reported smaller beans, leading to an overall smaller production.

Agricultural weather expert Marco Antonio dos Santos also saidat the event that rains are likely to arrive around end-September, but they tend to be more regular once they arrive, which could provide good conditions for the flowering stage of the next crop.

"Due to the expected arrival of La Nina, we will probably have more frequent rains," he said.

Plants that remain in good condition despite the long dry spell are likely to recover well even if rains only arrive at the end of September or early October, said Jose Donizete Alves, a coffee expert at the Federal University of Lavras.

Crops in bad condition, however, could have difficulty and possibly fail to convert flowers to fruits, he added.

Reporting by Marcelo Teixeira in New York
Editing by Chris Reese and Richard Chang


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