Az XM nem nyújt szolgáltatásokat az Amerikai Egyesült Államok lakosai számára.



ASML's order book expected to benefit from AI chip boom

PREVIEW-ASML's order book expected to benefit from AI chip boom By Toby Sterling and Nathan Vifflin AMSTERDAM, July 16 (Reuters) - ASML ASML.AS , the top equipment supplier to computer chip makers, is expected to report an influx of new orders when its new boss delivers second-quarter results on Wednesday, as customers expand capacity to meet booming demand for AI chips.

Trump VP pick supports Big Tech antitrust crackdown

Trump VP pick supports Big Tech antitrust crackdown By Jody Godoy July 15 (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump's vice presidential pick J.D. Vance has openly praised the work of Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan, a sign that the agency's broad approach to antitrust enforcement could enjoy some level of support from a second Trump administration.

U.S. STOCKS Morgan Stanley, Datadog, Berkshire Hathaway

BUZZ-U.S. STOCKS ON THE MOVE-Morgan Stanley, Datadog, Berkshire Hathaway Eikon search string for individual stock moves: STXBZ The Day Ahead newsletter: The Morning News Call newsletter: Wall Street jumped in upbeat trading on Monday, on a greater chance of presidential candidate Donald Trump winning a second term after surviving an assassination attempt, while interest-rate cut hopes also aided market sentiment.

U.S. STOCKS Health insurance firms, Super Micro, Datadog

BUZZ-U.S. STOCKS ON THE MOVE-Health insurance firms, Super Micro, Datadog Eikon search string for individual stock moves: STXBZ The Day Ahead newsletter: The Morning News Call newsletter: The Dow hit a record high in Wall Street's upbeat trading on Monday, on a greater chance of presidential candidate Donald Trump winning a second term after surviving an assassination attempt, while interest-rate cut hopes also aided sentiment.

Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway sets, closes at record high

UPDATE 2-Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway sets, closes at record high Adds closing prices, updates Berkshire valuation and net worth By Jonathan Stempel July 15 (Reuters) - Berkshire Hathaway's BRKa.N share price set a record high on Monday, reflecting investors' confidence in Warren Buffett's company, which is often regarded as a microcosm of the broader American economy.

British regulators to examine Big Tech's digital wallets

UPDATE 1-British regulators to examine Big Tech's digital wallets Adds details, context and regulator quotes in paragraphs 3-9 By Tommy Reggiori Wilkes and Yadarisa Shabong LONDON, July 15 (Reuters) - British regulators said on Monday they were looking into the soaring use of digital wallets offered by Big Tech firms, including whether there are any competition, consumer protection or market integrity concerns.

Berkshire Hathaway share price sets record high

Berkshire Hathaway share price sets record high July 15 (Reuters) - Berkshire Hathaway's BRKa.N share price hit a record high on Monday, reflecting investors' confidence in Warren Buffett's company, often regarded as a microcosm of the broader American economy. The price of Berkshire's Class A shares rose 1.4% to $648,172.50 in morning trading, surpassing the $647,039 price reached on Feb.

Wall Street gains as investors bet on second Trump term

US STOCKS-Wall Street gains as investors bet on second Trump term For a Reuters live blog on U.S., UK and European stock markets, click LIVE/ or type LIVE/ in a news window. Trump Media, crypto stocks, prison operators jump Goldman Sachs, BlackRock edge higher after results Macy's falls after ending discussions with Arkhouse and Brigade Health insurance stocks gain Indexes up: Dow 0.50%, S&P 0.42%, Nasdaq 0.51% Updated at 9:49 a.m.

Apple hits record high as Morgan Stanley adds stock to 'top pick' list

BUZZ-Apple hits record high as Morgan Stanley adds stock to 'top pick' list Updates ** Shares of Apple AAPL.O up 1.5% at $234.02 after Morgan Stanley adds stock to its "top pick" list, lifts PT to $273 from $216; new PT an 18.4% upside to last close ** Stock hit record high of $237.23, giving Apple peak market capitalization of $3.64 trillion ** Ap

British regulators look into Big Tech and digital wallets

British regulators look into Big Tech and digital wallets July 15 (Reuters) - British regulators said on Monday they are seeking views on the benefits and risks of digital wallets, which have become an important "touchpoint" between big tech firms and UK consumers. The Financial Conduct Authority and Payments Systems Regulator will assess the impact the rising popularity of digital wallets, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal, have on competition and choice of payment options at checkout, a

Apple at all-time high after Morgan Stanley calls stock 'top pick' for AI efforts

UPDATE 1-Apple at all-time high after Morgan Stanley calls stock 'top pick' for AI efforts Updates shares and market value in paragraphs 1 and 3 July 15 (Reuters) - Apple's AAPL.O shares rose 2.5% to a record high on Monday after Morgan Stanley raised its price target on the iPhone maker's shares and designated the stock as a "top pick," citing the company's AI efforts as a boost to device sales.

Wearable Devices Unveils Innovative ChatGPT Gestures Interaction for Apple Watch Using Mudra Band

BRIEF-Wearable Devices Unveils Innovative ChatGPT Gestures Interaction for Apple Watch Using Mudra Band July 15 (Reuters) - Wearable Devices WLDS.O : WEARABLE DEVICES UNVEILS INNOVATIVE CHATGPT GESTURES INTERACTION FOR APPLE WATCH USING MUDRA BAND, ENHANCING AI INTEGRATION Source text for Eikon: ID:nGNX5g0swp Further company coverage: WLDS.O

Wall Street set to rise as investors bet on second Trump term

US STOCKS-Wall Street set to rise as investors bet on second Trump term For a Reuters live blog on U.S., UK and European stock markets, click LIVE/ or type LIVE/ in a news window. Trump Media, crypto stocks, prison operators jump Goldman Sachs, BlackRock edge higher after results Macy's falls after ending discussions with Arkhouse and Brigade Russell 2000 futures jump Futures rise: Dow 0.51%, S&P 500 0.37%, Nasdaq 0.37% Updated at 8:50 a.m.

Futures rise on higher odds of Trump victory after shooting

US STOCKS-Futures rise on higher odds of Trump victory after shooting For a Reuters live blog on U.S., UK and European stock markets, click LIVE/ or type LIVE/ in a news window Trump Media, crypto stocks, prison operators jump Goldman Sachs Q2 profit jumps BlackRock jumps after assets hit record high Futures up: Dow 0.61%, S&P 500 0.50%, Nasdaq 0.59% Updated at 7:30 a.m.

European regulators crack down on Big Tech

FACTBOX-European regulators crack down on Big Tech Updates with latest on France's investigation in Nvidia July 15 (Reuters) - European regulators have launched a series of probes into Big Tech. In the latest move, the French antitrust regulator confirmed it was investigating Nvidia NVDA.O for allegedly anti-competitive practices. Here are some of the actions taken by European watchdogs against big technology companies: EUROPEAN UNION Apple AAPL.O will open its tap-and-go mobile payments system

U.S. STOCKS Tesla, Trump-linked stocks, BlackRock

BUZZ-U.S. STOCKS ON THE MOVE-Tesla, Trump-linked stocks, BlackRock Eikon search string for individual stock moves: STXBZ The Day Ahead newsletter: The Morning News Call newsletter: U.S. stock index futures rose on Monday on higher odds of presidential candidate Donald Trump winning a second term after surviving an assassination attempt, while interest rate cut hopes continued to lift sentiment.

Apple gains after Morgan Stanley calls stock 'top pick' for AI efforts

Apple gains after Morgan Stanley calls stock 'top pick' for AI efforts July 15 (Reuters) - Apple's AAPL.O shares rose about 2% on Monday after Morgan Stanley raised its price target on the iPhone maker's shares and designated the stock as a "top pick," citing the company's AI efforts as a boost to device sales. In what was seen as a move to catch up with Alphabet's GOOGL.O Google and Microsoft-backed MSFT.O OpenAI, the iPad maker last month unveiled Apple Intelligence, luring customers to upgrad

Goldman Sachs profit tops estimates on robust debt underwriting, fixed-income trading

UPDATE 4-Goldman Sachs profit tops estimates on robust debt underwriting, fixed-income trading Adds CEO quote in paragraph 3,4, analyst quote in 6, CFO quotes in paragraph 22, updates stock price By Saeed Azhar and Niket Nishant NEW YORK, July 15 (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs' GS.N profit more than doubled in the second quarter and beat analysts' estimates on strong debt underwriting and fixed-income trading, but slipped from a bumper first quarter when earnings were the highest since 2021. The resi

Goldman Sachs profit jumps on robust debt underwriting, fixed-income trading

Goldman Sachs profit jumps on robust debt underwriting, fixed-income trading July 15 (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs' GS.N profit more than doubled in the second quarter, bolstered by higher fees from debt underwriting and a strong performance in its fixed-income trading business. Earnings were $3.04 billion, or $8.62 per share, for the three months ended June 30, compared with $1.22 billion, or $3.08 per share, a year earlier, the bank said on Monday.

Global smartphone market grew 6.5% in Q2, led by Samsung and Apple, IDC says

Global smartphone market grew 6.5% in Q2, led by Samsung and Apple, IDC says July 15 (Reuters) - Global smartphone shipments rose 6.5% in the second quarter, driven by Samsung Electronics and Apple, preliminary data from IDC showed on Monday, but a full recovery in demand is yet to come around as it remained challenged in some markets. WHY IT'S IMPORTANT Global shipments grew for the fourth consecutive quarter, according to the research firm, as smartphone makers look to artificial intelligence


Népszerű eszközök

Felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat: Az XM Group entitásai csak végrehajtási szolgáltatást és online kereskedési platformunkhoz való hozzáférést biztosítanak, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók megtekinthessék és/vagy felhasználhassák a honlapon vagy azon keresztül elérhető tartalmakat, amelyek nem módosíthatók és nem egészíthetők ki. A hozzáférés és felhasználás mindig a következők függvénye: (i) Felhasználási feltételek; (ii) Kockázati figyelmeztetés; valamint (iii) Teljes felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat. Az ilyen tartalmakat ezért csupán általános információként biztosítjuk. Külön felhívjuk figyelmét arra, hogy az online kereskedési platformunkon található tartalmak nem felhívások vagy ajánlatok tranzakciókba történő belépésre a pénzügyi piacokon. A pénzügyi piacokon folytatott kereskedés jelentős kockázattal jár a tőkéjére nézve.

Az online kereskedési platformunkon közzétett anyagok kizárólag oktatási / tájékoztatási célt szolgálnak, és nem tartalmaznak (nem tekinthető úgy, hogy tartalmaznak) pénzügyi, befektetési adóügyi vagy kereskedési tanácsokat vagy ajánlásokat, illetve kereskedési áraink jegyzékét, vagy bármilyen pénzügyi instrumentummal végrehajtott tranzakcióra vonatkozó ajánlatot vagy felhívást, vagy Önnek szóló kéretlen pénzügyi promóciókat.

Az ezen a honlapon szereplő, külső felektől származó, valamint az XM által készített tartalmak, például vélemények, hírek, kutatások, elemzések, árak és egyéb információk vagy külső felek oldalaira utaló hivatkozások „jelenlegi állapotukban”, általános piaci magyarázatként jelennek meg, és nem minősülnek befektetési tanácsnak. Amennyiben bármely tartalom befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatásként értelmezhető, meg kell értenie és el kell fogadnia, hogy a tartalom nem a befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatás függetlenségének előmozdítására szolgáló jogi követelmények szerint készült, következésképpen a vonatkozó törvények és jogszabályok szerint marketingkommunikációnak minősül. Kérjük, feltétlenül olvassa el és értse meg a fenti információkkal kapcsolatos „nem független befektetéskutatással kalcsolatos tájékoztatónkat” és a kockázati figyelmeztetésünket, amelyek itt érhetők el.

Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD összetett eszköz, és a tőkeáttétel miatt a hirtelen veszteség jelentős kockázatával jár. Ennél a szolgáltatónál a lakossági befektetői számlák 73.91%-án veszteség keletkezik a CFD-kereskedés során. Fontolja meg, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését és hogy megengedheti-e magának a veszteség magas kockázatát. Kérjük, olvassa el a kockázati figyelmeztetés erre vonatkozó részleteit.