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Goldman Sachs profit jumps on robust debt underwriting, fixed-income trading

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July 15 (Reuters) -Goldman Sachs' GS.N profit more than doubled in the second quarter, bolstered by higher fees from debt underwriting and a strong performance in its fixed-income trading business.

Earnings were $3.04 billion, or $8.62 per share, for the three months ended June 30, compared with $1.22 billion, or $3.08 per share, a year earlier, the bank said on Monday.

"We are pleased with our solid second quarter results and our overall performance in the first half of the year, reflecting strong year-on-year growth in both Global Banking & Markets and Asset & Wealth Management," CEO David Solomon said in a statement.

The bank's earnings in the year-ago quarter were hit by writedowns related to GreenSky, its former fintech business that Goldman has since sold.

The resilience of the U.S. economy has given corporate executives the confidence to pursue acquisitions, debt sales and stock offerings.

Goldman's investment banking fees rose 21% to $1.73 billion in the quarter, helped by higher fees earned from debt and stock underwriting and advising on mergers and acquisitions (M&As).

Revenue from fixed income, currency and commodities (FICC) trading rose 17%, boosted by FICC financing, which makes loans to institutional investors and others. Equities trading revenue increased 7%.

JPMorgan Chase JPM.N and Jefferies Financial JEF.N also recorded a strong performance in their investment banking divisions. Global investment banking revenue climbed 17% to $41.6 billion in the first half of the year, Dealogic data showed.

After a foray into consumer banking flopped, Goldman has refocused on its traditional mainstays - investment banking and trading.

Investors have supported the move, pushing the Wall Street titan's stock up 24.4% so far this year, compared with rivals Morgan Stanley's MS.N 11.6% gain and JPMorgan Chase's JPM.N 20.5% climb.

Goldman' asset and wealth management unit, which manages money on behalf of wealthy and institutional clients, reported 27% higher revenue in the second quarter.

The bank oversees $2.93 trillion of assets. In May, it signed a deal to manage the $43.4 billion pension fund portfolio of parcel delivery giant UPS UPS.N.

Platform solutions, the unit that houses some of Goldman's consumer operations, reported 2% higher revenue.

The bank's provisions for credit losses were $282 million for the second quarter, compared with $615 million a year earlier.


Goldman plans to scrap its co-branded credit cards with General Motors GM.N, and a similar partnership it has with tech giant Apple AAPL.O is facing an uncertain future.

General Motors is in talks to replace Goldman with Barclays BARC.L, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters in April.

Credit cards were an important facet of Goldman's consumer strategy, but it decided to retreat from retail banking after big losses.

In its annual stress test, the Federal Reserve indicated credit cards could be a headache for banks. The potential losses on Goldman's credit card loans were among the worst under the central bank's hypothetical scenario.

Still, Goldman raised its dividend to $3 per share versus $2.75 earlier.

Reporting by Niket Nishant in Bengaluru and Saeed Azhar in New York, Editing by Lananh Nguyen and Sriraj Kalluvila


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