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Trump mocks Democrats, insults Pelosi, in first campaign rally since assassination attempt

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Adds Trump campaign comment on Pelosi "dog" remark, reworks headline

By Tim Reid

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., July 20 (Reuters) - Donald Trump held his first campaign rally on Saturday since he narrowly escapedan assassination attempt one week ago, mocking Democrats and comparing former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to a "dog."

After briefly calling for national unity earlier this week, Trump has since returned to his usual campaign tactics -- using insulting and sometimes offensive language to attack his opponents, and repeating a string of false claims about immigration, the economy and election fraud, major elements of his speech on Saturday.

Trump frequently mocked Democratic President Joe Biden as feeble. He derided senior Democrats, including Pelosi, for trying to persuade Biden to end his re-election bid.

There was a heavy police presence at Trump's rally in Grand Rapids on Saturday, with police on every street corner for several blocks.

U.S. Secret Service officers were positioned on the top balconies in the Van Andel Arena, giving them a bird's eye view of the crowd inside.

Fresh from his nominating convention in Milwaukee wherehis takeover of the Republican Party was cemented, Trump appeared in Grand Rapids with his new vice presidential pick, Senator J.D.Vance from Ohio. They took the stage intheir first campaign event together with the Republican Party unified behind them.

In contrast, it is no longer certain that Biden will be the Democratic Party's nominee facing Trump in the Nov. 5 election.

Biden has faced calls from some senior Democrats to end his re-election bid after his poor debate performance last month raised concerns over whether he could beat Trump or complete another four-year term.

Many Democrats fear Biden may not have a realistic path to victory and that the party needs a new candidate to take on Trump.

Trump attacked Democrats, saying they wanted to kick Biden off the ticket after he won their presidential nominating contest.

"They have a couple of problems. No. 1, they have no idea who their candidate is," Trump said to laughter and jeers. "This guy goes and he gets the votes and now they want to take it away."

Referring to Pelosi, Trump said: "She's turned on him like a dog. She's as crazy as a bed bug."

Pelosi's office did not immediately return a request for comment.

Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, when asked for a comment on Trump's "dog" remark, wrote: "Hahahahahahaha."

Trump referred to the assassination attempt several times on Saturday. "I hope I don't have to go through that again. It was so horrible," Trump said.

Opinion polls show a tight race between Trump and Biden at a national level but Biden trailing in the battleground states that will likely determine the winner.

The rallyin Butler, Pennsylvania, last weekend was outdoors. At that event, the gunman was able to scale the roof of a building outside the Secret Service perimeter before opening fire on Trump, clipping his ear, killing a rally-goer and wounding several others.

The Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting Trump, declined to comment on security for the Grand Rapids event. An investigation is under way into the security failures at the Butler rally.

Trump gave a detailed account of his narrow brush with death in his convention speech on Thursday, telling the audience that he was only talking to them "by the grace of Almighty God."

Trump's formerphysician, Ronny Jackson, said on Saturday that the former president is recovering as expected from thegunshot wound to his right ear, but noted intermittent bleeding and said Trump may require a hearing exam.

The bullet fired by the would-be assassin at the July 13 rally in Pennsylvania came "less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head," said Jackson, a Republican congressman from Texas who had served as physician to Presidents Trump and Barack Obama.

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Reporting by Tim Reid in Grand Rapids, additional reporting by Doina Chiacu in Washington; editing by Ross Colvin, Alistair Bell and Nick Zieminski


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