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Country risk index for Argentina falls to more than five year low

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>UPDATE 2-Milei's popularity rebounds as Argentina's markets hit record highs</title></head><body>

Milei's approval rating jumps 12% in October

Survey attributes popularity rise to improving economy

Inflation down, foreign reserves up, fiscal deficit reduced

Poverty levels, however, have risen sharply

Bonds rise, J.P. Morgan risk index hits lowest since 2019

Recasts with new polling and rewrites throughout

BUENOS AIRES, Oct 28 (Reuters) -Argentina's President Javier Milei saw his popularity ratings rebound sharply in October, a poll on Monday showed, bolstering the libertarian whose pro-market reforms have driven markets to record highs since winning a shock election last year.

A closely watched poll from the local Torcuato Di Tella

University showed Milei's approval rating jump some 12% after it

slid in September due to tensions around pension reforms.

The South American grains producer is battling triple-digit

inflation and a recession, but former pundit Milei has managed

to boost confidence in markets with tough spending cuts while

largely keeping voters onside with his straight-talking style.

Inflation, still in triple-digits on an annual basis, has

come down sharply each month, foreign currency reserve levels

are being rebuilt and his government has turned around a deep

fiscal deficit. Poverty levels, however, have risen sharply.

A separate survey from consultancy Aresco showed the

approval rating of Milei's government bouncing to 52.5% in

October from 49.6% a month before, which it attributed to improving economic indicators.

Milei, a political outsider, is riding a wave of voter anger

with the main political parties after years of economic crises,

despite a tough economic background and painful austerity

measures he has pushed to try and boost the state's finances.

His government's non-negotiable zero deficit plan has gained

huge cheers from markets, boosting bonds and stocks, while a

tight monetary policy has also tamped down inflation and reduced

a wide gap between official and parallel exchange rates.

On Monday bonds jumped further away from distressed

territory where they had languished in recent years, rising on

average 1.2%. Meanwhile, a key J.P. Morgan risk index of the

country's debt hit its lowest level since mid-2019.

"The BCRA (central bank) buying reserves, new loans from

international organizations, and high-frequency indicators

showing October inflation at 3% were key to the fall in country

risk," said Roberto Geretto of AdCap Grupo Financiero.

Andres Vernengo of consultancy CMA said Milei was, against

the odds, making the market happy. Fears about further

potential sovereign debt defaults were receding.

"Just when it seemed local assets were beginning to

falter ... more rabbits appeared out of the hat," he said.

Argentina's Javier Milei: Popularity Contest https://reut.rs/4eheXXZ

Reporting by Jorge Otaola, Walter Bianchi and Lucila Sigal; Writing by Brendan O'Boyle; Editing by David Alire Garcia, Adam Jourdan and Sandra Maler


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