XM Hosts Latest Live Seminar in Budapest Office

Posted on June 16, 2014 at 10:34 am GMT. Read More XM Company News

We are glad to inform our clients about the latest live forex seminar held in the XM Budapest office on 14 June 2014 by Tradepedia certified instructor Zsolt Sándor.

As usual, the seminar topic Day Trading and How to Conduct it with Efficency attracted many enthusiastic beginner and advanced traders, who received a series of hands-on practical advice by instructor Zsolt Sándor.

We would like to thank all participants for attending the seminar and we look forward to seeing them at our upcoming seminar on 21st June. As we have a limited number of seats available, we kindly suggest that all those interested to book their seats should register for the seminar well in advance here.

Please see a selection of photos taken of last Saturday’s event below.