XM Hosted Annual Grand Gala in Bangkok

Posted on March 13, 2017 at 9:17 am GMT. Read More XM Company News

The Thai capital witnessed an important event this spring, the annual grand gala dinner, which was much anticipated by online investors who are clients of XM.

For the second time now, Bangkok gave place to the spectacular XM gala event in 2017. Held at the luxurious Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok, an evening filled with vibrant neon-themed live entertainment, a lavish dinner, and finally, the glamorous prizes of the XM Lucky Draw provided high spirits for all those present.

Event guests and the XM staff members welcoming them at the gala could share several hours amidst the festive atmosphere. The live performances of local celebrities, who were all brought on stage for this very special event, added much thrill to the evening. Moreover, all guests could also enter the XM Lucky Draw, where a brand-new Mazda CX3 and prizes worth over $35,000 were raffled, and the 10 lucky winners were announced on the premises.

As always, it was a pleasure to be back to Thailand and reconnect with our clients, and we would like to thank every one of them once again for taking part at the XM gala event.