XM Donates to Malaysian Federation of the Deaf

Posted on August 18, 2020 at 8:35 am GMT. Read More CSR

The Coronavirus pandemic is extracting a heavy toll on public health and is negatively affecting both individual economies and the global economy at large. As a result, often lacking access to resources and information that can help them protect against COVID-19, the less fortunate are the most vulnerable.

On the 5th of August, as one of our social responsibility initiatives, our team in Malaysia donated medical and educational resources to the Malaysian Federation of the Deaf. Our medical supplies donation included many boxes of face masks, disinfectants, sanitizers and a thermometer to help protection efforts, while our educational supplies included boxes of A4 papers, a laminate machine, a scanner and paper cutting tools to aid in the creation of informational material.

We remain committed to helping less-fortunate communities around the world cope with the pandemic, and we will continue supporting even more charities and initiatives in the upcoming future.