XM Donates Food to the Poor in Latin America

Posted on August 12, 2020 at 12:26 pm GMT. Read More CSR

So far, as part of our corporate social responsibility initiatives for 2020, we supported 3 different food charities in Latin America to help the poor get the food they need to survive.

On the 19th of March, we donated food supplies such as black beans, rice, noodle soups, salt, flour, tuna, oil, sugar and soluble coffee to Maka Mexico to help artisan women from the Chiapas community to continue the support of their families.

On the 2nd of June, we donated to the Association of Food Banks of Colombia (ABACO) to support the Eatcloud Platform connect the Supply and Demand of food donations. The donation will leverage the necessary human resources required to contact and assist both donors and foundations select, collect and manage food donations.

On the 7th of June, we donated food supplies including rice, cans of tuna, lentils, noodles, oats, bottles of oil and cans of milk to the Juguete Pendiente Association for 80 destitute families from Peru.

We remain committed to helping the less fortunate and we will continue our support for food charities in the upcoming future.