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Wall Street set for marginally higher open after soft inflation report

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U.S. PCE stands at 2.2% in Aug

Russell 2000 futures up nearly 1%

Bristol-Myers gains after schizophrenia drug approval

Costco Wholesale slips after Q4 revenue misses estimates

Futures up: Dow 0.21%, S&P 500 0.18%, Nasdaq 0.18%

Updated at 8:45 a.m. ET/1245 GMT

By Johann M Cherian and Purvi Agarwal

Sept 27 (Reuters) - Wall Street was set for a marginally higher open on Friday after data underscored the narrative that price pressures were cooling, raising expectations that the Federal Reserve's next move might be another outsized interest rate cut.

A Commerce Department report showed the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) index, the Fed's preferred inflation measure, rose 2.2% in August on an annual basis, compared with estimates of 2.3%, as per economists polled by Reuters. On a monthly basis, it rose 0.1%.

Odds that the central bank will cut rates by 50 basis points at its November meeting stood at about 53%, compared with 50% seen before the data. Those for a 25 bps reduction stand at about 47%, as per the CME Group's FedWatch Tool.

Rate-sensitive growth stocks were mixed in premarket trading, as yields on short-term Treasury bonds US2YT=RR, US5YT=RR dipped following the data.

Tesla TSLA.O added 1% and Alphabet climbed GOOGL.O 0.3% in premarket trading, while Nvidia NVDA.O and Amazon.com AMZN.O were flat.

"It's a relief to have (inflation) move in the right direction and hopefully it continues going in that direction," said Joe Saluzzi, co-head of equity trading at Themis Trading.

"It really doesn't matter whether it's 50 bps or 25 bps. What matters is, will they continue cutting rates over the next year?"

Inflation moderating towards the central bank's 2% target gave the Fed enough room to commence its policy easing cycle with a 50 basis point rate cut last week. Ensuring that unemployment rates do not shoot up will be its focus now, with all eyes on a slew of job reports due next week.

At 8:45 a.m. ET, Dow E-minis 1YMcv1 were up 90 points, or 0.21%, S&P 500 E-minis EScv1 were up 10.5 points, or 0.18% and Nasdaq 100 E-minis NQcv1 were up 36.25 points, or 0.18%.

Futures tied to the Russell 2000 index RTYc1, which tracks small caps, outperformed with a 1% rise.

The University of Michigan's final September estimate on consumer sentiment and remarks from Fed Governor Michelle Bowman are also in focus on the day.

Late on Thursday, Fed Governor Lisa Cook said the central bank's rare move earlier this month could address increased "downside risks" to employment.

Wall Street's main indexes ended higher in the previous session, with the S&P 500 .SPX closing at its highest levels on record after an upbeat forecast from Micron MU.O invigorated optimism around artificial intelligence.

The benchmark index along with the blue-chip Dow .DJI and tech-heavy Nasdaq are on track for their third-straight week of gains.

Among other stocks, Bristol Myers Squibb BMY.N surged 3.75% after the U.S. FDA approved its schizophrenia drug.

Costco Wholesale COST.O dropped 1% after posingdownbeat fourth-quarter revenue.

Dollar General DG.N slipped 1.9% after Citigroup downgraded to "sell" from "neutral".

U.S.-listed shares of Chinese firms such as Alibaba BABA.N rose 1%, PDD Holdings PDD.O climbed 2.5% and NetEase NTES.O gained 2.1%after China's central bank lowered interest rates and injected liquidity into the banking system, in its latest stimulus move.

Miners such as Albemarle ALB.N added 2.9% and U.S.-listed shares of BHP BHP.N rose 1% after a report showed top Chinese cities Shanghai and Shenzhen are planning to lift key remaining restrictions on home purchases to attract potential buyers.

PCE, the shorter term view https://reut.rs/3WXgbkd

Reporting by Johann M Cherian and Purvi Agarwal in Bengaluru; Editing by Anil D'Silva and Maju Samuel


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