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Wall Street gains as investors focus on inflation data, Q3 earnings

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Roblox falls after Hindenburg short on co

U.S.-listed shares of Chinese cos fall

PepsiCo rises after results

Indexes up: Dow 0.2%, S&P 500 0.8%, Nasdaq 1.3%

Updated at 11:55 a.m. ET

By Lisa Pauline Mattackal and Pranav Kashyap

Oct 8 (Reuters) -Wall Street's main indexes rose on Tuesday, as investors shifted their attention to the upcoming third-quarter earnings season and inflation data, which could offer some clues on the Federal Reserve's rate cut trajectory.

The indexes regained some ground after a selloff on Monday, where all three major indexes fell roughly 1%, pressured by surging Treasury yields, escalating Middle East tensions, and a re-evaluation of U.S. rate expectations.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI rose 64.71 points on Tuesday, or 0.16%, to 42,019.35, the S&P 500 .SPX gained 45.52 points, or 0.80%, to 5,741.49 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC gained 225.48 points, or 1.26%, to 18,149.38.

Most S&P 500 sectors were up, with the information technology index .SPLRCT leading the gains with a 1.8% rise.

An index .SPNY tracking energy stocks lagged, losing 2.8%, and was on track for its worst day since April 30, as oil prices retreated following Monday's rally. O/R

The two-year Treasury yield slipped slightly from Monday's highs, but the yield on the benchmark 10-year note US10YT=RR remained above 4%, as strong economic data last week prompted investors to trim their rate cut bets. US/

Traders have priced in a nearly 89% chance of a 25 basis point interest rate cut from the Fed at its November meeting, according to CME FedWatch, while they had previously seen strong chances of a 50 bps cut.

Markets now await consumer price index data, due this Thursday, for more clues on the path of interest rates.

"The Fed keeps telling you that they're data dependent - so the end of this week is big to see whether or not inflation is truly tamed," said Kim Forrest, chief investment officer at Bokeh Capital Partners.

"But the Fed has been signaling where - not necessarily when - rates are going, and they have signaled that they're going lower."

Third-quarter earnings are also in focus, with major banks scheduled to report this Friday. The estimated earnings growth rate for the S&P 500 is 5%, according to LSEG estimates.

PepsiCo PEP.O reversed premarket losses, rising 1.2% after the snack maker trimmed its forecast for annual sales growth, but reported adjusted earnings per share above estimates.

The materials sector .SPLRCM fell 0.5% to an over two-week low, as metal prices slipped on waning optimism over China's stimulus measures.

U.S.-listed shares of Chinese companies also slid, tracking losses in domestic stocks. Shares of Alibaba Group BABA.N, JD.com JD.O and PDD Holdings PDD.O lost between 5.9% and 6.3%.

Roblox RBLX.N dropped 3.3% after Hindenburg Research on Tuesday disclosed a short position in the gaming platform.

Fed Governor Adriana Kugler said earlier on Tuesday she supported further interest rate cuts if inflation continues to ease, as she expects.

Comments from other Fed officials including Raphael Bostic, Susan Collins and Philip Jefferson are also expected later in the day.

Advancing issues outnumbered decliners by a 1.05-to-1 ratio on the NYSE and by a 1.09-to-1 ratio on the Nasdaq.

The S&P 500 posted 25 new 52-week highs and 3 new lows, while the Nasdaq Composite recorded 53 new highs and 84 new lows.

Reporting by Lisa Mattackal and Pranav Kashyap in Bengaluru; Editing by Shinjini Ganguli


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