XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

US bank stocks rise as jumbo rate cut eases default risk, cost concerns

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Sept 19 (Reuters) -U.S. bank stocks rose in premarket trading on Thursday, a day after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 50 basis points,which is expected to reduce deposit costs and alleviate pressure on borrowers.

Elevated interest rates have weighed on loan growth and consumer spending this year, while also increasing fears of borrowers defaulting on their loans.

Commercial real estate loan portfolios have been under immense pressure due to high rates and lack of demand for office spaces, prompting banks to set aside billions as a cushion against delinquencies.

"For banks, particularly those that hold mortgages and auto loans, there may be a benefit to spreads in the near term," said Charlie Wise, senior vice president and head of global research and consulting at TransUnion.

Citigroup C.N led gains in large-cap bank stocks with a 1.8% rise before the bell, followed closely by Bank of America BAC.N and Wells Fargo WFC.N, which climbed 1.6% and 1.55% respectively.

JPMorgan JPM.N, the largest U.S. bank by assets and the sector's bellwether, was last trading 1.3% higher. Investment banks Goldman Sachs GS.N and Morgan Stanley MS.N were also up in thin premarket trade.


Most auto loans and mortgages carry a fixed rate of interest, which means banks will continue to fetch higher yields even after the cut.

Borrowers looking for immediate relief could also refinance their loans and negotiate better repayment terms, lowering the risk of defaults.

Regional banks are expected to benefit more from rate cuts, compared with their larger rivals, as elevated deposit costs normalize and the demand for loans recovers.

New York Community Bancorp NYCB.N led gains in regional banks with a 3.6% rise before the bell. Banc of California BANC.N, Fifth Third FITB.O, Western Alliance WAL.N and Comerica CMA.N rose between 2% to 2.5%.

The S&P 500 Banks Index .SPXBK, which tracks large-cap banks, has gained 17.5% this year, compared with an 18% gain in the benchmark S&P 500 .SPX. The KBW Regional Banking Index .KRX is up 4.4% over the same period.

Investor sentiment toward the sector had taken a hit after three major players collapsed in early 2023, in part due to higher rates racking up unrealized losses on their loan books.

"(The cuts) will be credit positive for banks' asset quality because lower rates make debt payments more affordable for borrowers with floating-rate loans," said Allen Tischler, senior vice president of Financial Institutions Group at Moody's Ratings.

Still, lenders are maneuvering a delicate economic environment. While investors expect the Fed to continue easing in the coming months, some have questioned if the central bank is behind the curve.

Reporting by Manya Saini and Niket Nishant in Bengaluru; Editing by Shailesh Kuber


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