XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Romanian central banker says inflation expected to return to target in early 2026

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Inflation seen back at target in 2026, cenbank board member says

Early 2026 target is later than previously expected

Cristian Popa says ample risks remain for return to target

Deficit size one factor constraining the central bank, Popa says

BUCHAREST, Oct 24 (Reuters) -Romania's annual inflation could fall back within target in early 2026, later than previously expected, and the central bank should remain cautious with further interest rate cuts while faced with high deficits, a bank board member said on Thursday.

The European Union state has one more interest rate meeting this year on Nov. 8, ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections that have triggered a spending surge and widened budget and external deficits.

The central bank, which targets inflation at between 1.5% to 3.5%, is also expected to unveil new inflation forecasts in November. The bank's current forecasts put inflation at 4.0% in December and back within target at 3.4% in 2025, unlike analysts who see inflation above target at the end of that year.

"While inflationary expectations remain relatively well anchored, the return to the target margin would be possible at the start of 2026," central bank board member Cristian Popa told Reuters in written comments. "However, there are ample risks and uncertainties stemming from fiscal policy behaviour and others.”

S&P Global Ratings said earlier this month it expected Romanian inflation to remain above target through 2027, aggravated by Romania's budget deficit.

In October, the bank held its benchmark interest rate at 6.50% after two consecutive cuts, saying inflation's downward path would be more erratic.

Romanian policymakers were the last in Central and Eastern Europe to begin cutting rates, holding off as fiscal slippage and tax changes slowed the decline in inflation.

"The size of the current account deficit singles Romania out both in CEE and in the whole of the EU," Popa said, adding lax income policies, accelerating private lending, a tense labour market and uncertainty about what fiscal deficit reduction plans would entail, are constraining the central bank.

"These factors can raise significant challenges to monetary policy, so we need to handle the room of manoeuvre judiciously. My opinion is that we must not hurry and we must stay on the side of caution."

Romania has yet to unveil a 2025 budget, with the coalition government mulling a seven-year time frame to bring the country's deficit below the bloc's 3% ceiling.

Reporting by Luiza Ilie; Editing by Sharon Singleton


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