XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Most EM currencies slip as dollar retains strength

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Rate decision in Hungary on Tuesday

Moody's upgrades Albania to 'Ba3'

China cuts key lending rates to support growth

EM stocks down 0.5%, FX off 0.1%

By Shashwat Chauhan

Oct 21 (Reuters) -Most emerging market currencies slipped on Monday, as the dollar remained firm with markets continuing to price in a greater chance of former U.S. President Donald Trump returning to the White House, while a broader gauge for stocks also sagged.

Analysts attributed the dollar strength to the better odds of Trump reclaiming the White House, since his proposed tariff and tax policies are seen as likely to keep U.S. interest rates high and undermine currencies of trading partners. FRX/

"Given the upside dollar risks stemming from a Trump presidency, markets are naturally moving to hedge this outcome, driving the dollar higher," analysts at Monex Europe wrote in a note.

South Africa's rand ZAR= fell 0.2%, in line with the global dollar strength and ahead of the release of local inflation data on Wednesday.

Most currencies in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) slipped against the euro, with Hungary's forint EURHUF= weakening the most, down 0.7% in light trading.

On Tuesday, Hungary's central bank is widely expected to pause rate cuts at 6.5%, despite inflation hitting its 3% target for the first time since 2021, after recent falls in the forint raised fears of a rebound in price growth.

MSCI's index for emerging market stocks .MSCIEF slipped 0.5% as of 0835 GMT, as shares in heavyweight Hong Kong .HSI shed 1.6%.

A gauge for currencies .MIEM00000CUS edged 0.1% lower, with China's yuan CNH= down 0.2% in offshore trading.

China cut benchmark lending rates as anticipated at the monthly fixing, following reductions to other policy rates last month as part of a package of stimulus measures to revive the economy.

Most EM assets have remained subdued recently as investors bet on more stimulus measures from China to aid its faltering property sector, with some recent announcements failing to meet the expectations.

Elsewhere in emerging markets, ratings agency Moody's upgraded Albania's credit rating to 'Ba3', citing enhancements in its credit profile due to improvements of economic and fiscal strength.

This week, global finance chiefs will gather in Washington as part of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank annual meetings.

A summit of the BRICS group - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - which has expanded to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates as well, will be held in Russia on Oct. 22-24.


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For GRAPHIC on emerging market FX performance in 2024 http://tmsnrt.rs/2egbfVh

For GRAPHIC on MSCI emerging index performance in 2024 https://tmsnrt.rs/2OusNdX

Reporting by Shashwat Chauhan in Bengaluru; Editing by Mrigank Dhaniwala

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