XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

India's Nifty, Sensex outperform most global markets, behind only Wall Street

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By Bharath Rajeswaran

BENGALURU, Sept 20 (Reuters) -India's NSE Nifty 50 .NSEI and S&P BSE Sensex .BSESN are trailing only Wall Street's Nasdaq and S&P 500 as top-performing indexes this year, with analysts expecting the rally to extend into 2025.

The Nifty and Sensex have gained 18.7% and 17% respectively in 2024, securing the third and fourth spots among major global bourses.

The Nasdaq .IXIC and S&P .SPX have added approximately 22% and 20.5%, slightly ahead of the Indian benchmarks. Japan's Nikkei 225 .N225 and Germany's DAX .GDAXI follow India, rising 13% and 12%, respectively.

Earlier this week, India's weightage in a key MSCI index topped China for the first time.

"We expect the Fed rate cut to accelerate foreign inflows and create enough momentum in domestic markets to protect against downsides," analysts at Emkay Global said in a note.

India's stock market rally, driven by expectations of policy continuity following national elections in June and a robust growth outlook, gained further momentum after the U.S. Federal Reserve's significantrate cut on Sept. 18.

Foreign portfolio inflows, which had moderated in August, are on course for to hit a six-month high in September.

The rally has pushed the 12-month forward price-to-earnings ratios of the Sensex and Nifty to 23.6 and 24.4, respectively—the highest among emerging markets. Technical indicators show both indexes are now in overbought territory.

Expectations of soft landing for the U.S. economy will also likely boost sectors like information technology and pharma which earn a significant share of their revenue from the U.S., according to analysts.

Realty .NIFTYREAL, autos .NIFTYAUTO, public sector enterprises .NIFTYPSE, pharma .NIPHARM and energy .NIFTYENR are among the top performing sectoral indices so far this year.

Domestic institutional and retail investors have also fueled the stock market buying into all dips.

Domestic institutional investors picked up shares worth a net of 3.23 trillion rupees since the start of the year, according to provisional data from National Stock Exchange.

Mutual funds too have remained net buyers since February 2021 with contributions through the systematic investment plan hitting record highs for 14 months in a row.

This has raised some concerns, with analysts at Jefferies saying the combined domestic inflows through mutual funds, direct participation, insurance and pension funds are "unsustainably high" of $7.5 billion per month between January and August.

The brokerage said it maintained a near-term cautious view on markets, small- and mid-caps.

India's Nifty, Sensex among top four global stock indexes in 2024 https://reut.rs/4gvohJQ

FPI inflows in September set to hit a six-month high https://reut.rs/4gAKh6b

Performance of India's key stock indexes in 2024 so far https://reut.rs/47z571s

India's Nifty 50 closing in on 2023 gains in 2024 https://reut.rs/3MRCsv3

DIIs, mutual funds pump in money in Indian equities in 2024 so far https://reut.rs/4dg1Qpc

India's Nifty 50 moves to overbought zone amid rally to record highs https://reut.rs/4gqAhwd

Reporting by Bharath Rajeswaran in Bengaluru; Editing by Nivedita Bhattacharjee


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