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European tech, luxury stocks tumble as ASML, LVMH results disappoint

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France's CAC 40 underperforms peers on luxury drag

Energy stocks outperform

Adidas drops amid broader selloff despite third 2024 outlook

Stellantis drops after Q3 shipments caution

Updated at 0820 GMT

By Paolo Laudani and Ankika Biswas

Oct 16 (Reuters) - Europe's tech and luxury stocks slumped on Wednesday after disappointing results from industry heavyweights ASML and LVMH, while caution loomed ahead of the European Central Bank's policy decision.

The continent-wide STOXX 600 index .STOXX was down 0.3%, retreating further from the over two-week high hit early on Tuesday.

"It could be the start of a minor reversal, but we still see investors' appetite hold at current levels, if not go further," said Daniela Hathorn, senior market analyst at Capital.com.

ASML ASML.AS, the world's biggest chipmaking equipment manufacturer, shed another 5% and dragged the tech index .SX8P down 1.3%to a one-month low. Its weak 2025 sales forecast on Tuesday sparked its steepest one-day decline in four years and triggered a sell-off in chip stocks globally.

The luxury sector did not offer any solace either, as France's LVMH LVMH.PA dropped 4.5% after reporting a fall in third-quarter sales, prompting the French CAC 40 index .FCHI to underperform most major European bourses.

LVMH's earnings justify the concerns over Chinese spending and are likely to weigh on global equities, Hathorn said.

Peers Gucci-owner Kering PRTP.PA, Birkin bag-maker Hermes HRMS.PA and Cartier-owner Richemont CFR.S fell around 2% each. The broader luxury .STXLUXP and personal and household goods .SXQP indexes shed about 2% each.

Both the indexes have underperformed STOXX 600 so far this year.China-exposed firms have grappled with dwindling sales in the world's second-biggest economy, with sentiment getting a boost briefly from the latest stimulus measures.

Shoemaker Adidas ADSGn.DE fell 4% despite raising its full-year sales and profit guidance.

However, London's FTSE .FTSE bucked the trend torise 0.6% after data showed British inflation fell more than expected in September, paving the way for a rate cut next month.

Market participants expect the ECB to cut rates by another 25 basis points on Thursday, which could boost stocks.

The index tracking European energy companies .SXEP rose 0.9%, topping sectoral gainers, asoil prices stabilised after tumbling to a near two-week low on Tuesday.

Among single stocks, Stellantis STLAM.MI fell 2% after warning of a 20% drop in third-quarter consolidated shipments.

Just Eat Takeaway TKWY.AS lost over 2% after the food delivery company missed expectations forthird-quarter gross transaction value.

Tecan TECN.S dropped 12% after the Swiss life science equipment maker cut its annual outlook.

Teleperformance TEPRF.PA rose 6% after Kepler Cheuvreux upgraded the office services and call centre company's stock to "buy" from "hold".

European luxury underperforms broader stocks https://reut.rs/3YbECLp

Reporting by Paolo Laudani in Gdansk and Ankika Biswas in Bengaluru; Editing by Savio D'Souza and Eileen Soreng


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