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Energy, miners steer Europe's STOXX 600 lower from two-week high

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Updated at 0820 GMT

By Paolo Laudani and Ankika Biswas

Oct 15 (Reuters) -European shares turned lower after hitting an over two-week high earlier on Tuesday, weighed down by mining and energy stocks, with investors also monitoring the corporate earnings season and the central bank's interest rate decision due later this week.

The pan-European STOXX 600 index .STOXX was down 0.1%, as of 0820 GMT. Leading the losses, energy stocks .SXEP slumped nearly 3% as oil prices slid after a media report said Israel will not strike Iran's oil facility, easing fears of supply disruptions.

Shares of basic resources .SXPP dropped more than 2% to their lowest levels in three weeks amid weak copper prices.

The STOXX 600 has climbed around 9% so far this year, but lagging behind the double-digit gains in U.S. counterpart S&P 500 Index .SPX, as the euro zone navigates its downbeat economic state and fell short of the AI-led euphoria seen on the Wall Street.

Investors are more focussed on the generally easing inflation than geopolitical tensions, said Elwin de Groot, Rabobank's head of macro strategy.

"The economy losing a bit of its growth momentum, but not really collapsing, creating conditions of further decline in interest rates - and that is being reflected in the stronger outlook for equities," Groot said.

Germany's benchmark index .GDAXI hit a record high, outperforming most of the regional bourses, with telecommunications .SXKP and travel stocks .SXTP being the top STOXX sectoral performers.

Investors' key focus for the week is a monetary policy verdict by the European Central Bank on Thursday, where it is widely expected to trim rates further by 25 basis points.

The bank will witness support in its decision by recent data such as September's higher-than-expected fall in French inflation, along with the euro zone's worsening economic state.

Among single-stock movers, Ericsson ERICb.ST reported third-quarter core earnings and sales above expectations as demand for 5G gear rebounded in North America, sending shares of the Swedish company 6.5% higher.

Bellway BWY.L jumped 7% as the UK homebuilder expects to construct at least 11% more homes in the 2025 financial year.

TotalEnergies TTEF.PA saw its shares dropping 3.7% after the French oil powerhouse said its third-quarter downstream results are expected to sharply decrease due to lower refining margins in Europe and elsewhere.

Deutsche Bank DBKGn.DE fell 2.2% as the sale of some 16 million shares was priced at 16.01 euros apiece, a bookrunner for the transaction said.

Delivery Hero DHER.DE lost 2.3% after Citi downgraded the food delivery firm's stock to "neutral" from "buy".

Reporting by Paolo Laudani in Gdansk and Ankika Biswas in Bengaluru; Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips


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