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China stocks surge on stimulus optimism, world stocks off record highs

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U.S. markets look to open lower

European stocks fall on auto sector

China shares surge again on stimulus rush

Fed's Powell to speak ahead of payrolls test

Oil prices supported by Mideast strife

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By Nell Mackenzie and Dhara Ranasinghe

LONDON/SYDNEY, Sept 30 (Reuters) -World shares edged off record highson Monday as strife in the Middle East fuelledeconomic uncertainty, just as China shares posted their biggest one-day gain in 16 years thanks to Beijing's latest raft of stimuluspolicies.

Continued Israeli strikes across Lebanon added geopolitical uncertainty to the mix, though oil prices were still restrained by the risk of increased supply. O/R

U.S. stock futures ticked 0.3% lower ESc1, while European stocks fell almost 1% .STOXXweighed down by profit warnings and poor growth outlooks from the auto sector.

Japan's Nikkei slumped almost 5% after perceived monetary policy hawk Shigeru Ishiba won a leadership contest to become the country's prime minister.

That all left MSCI's world stocks index trading a 0.3% lower on the day and off a record high touched last week .MIWD00000PUS.

The exception was China.Government stimulus measures announced last week continued to boost stock markets, with the blue-chip CSI300 .CSI300 closing up 8.5%, its biggest daily gain since 2008 adding to its 25% run-up in the last five trading sessions.

The Shanghai Composite .SSEC climbed 7.1%, on top of last week's 13% rally.

Meanwhile, in China brokerages were overwhelmed by a pre-holiday rush of retail clients, jamming up trading systems as investors rotated money out of bonds and deposits into stocks.

"The Chinese stimulus has created some noise but the market may be front-running these first few steps, which might lead to disappointment later if measures don't continue," said Matt Tickle, chief investment officer at consultancy Barnett Waddingham.

Tickle said he'd take little comfort on longer term themesuntil he was certain on what would come next, not only from China's central bank, but from policymakers around the world.

"It's central bank watch, yet again," said Tickle.

The week is packed with major U.S. economic data including a payrolls report that could decide whether the Federal Reserve delivers another outsized rate cut in November.


The rally in China helped MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan .MIAPJ0000PUS firm 0.1%, having surged over 6% last week to a seven-month high.

Wall Street also had a rousing week helped by a benign reading on core U.S. inflation on Friday that left the door open to another half-point rate cut from the Fed.

Futures 0#FF: imply around a 55% chance the Fed will ease by 50 basis points on Nov. 7, though the presidential election two days earlier remains a major unknown. FEDWATCH

A host of Fed speakers will have their say this week, led by Chair Jerome Powell later on Monday. Also due are data on job openings and private hiring, along with ISM surveys on manufacturing and services.

In currency markets, the dollar was around 0.2% firmer at 142.49 yen JPY=EBS, after sliding 1.8% on Friday from a 146.49 top. USD/

The dollar index fell 0.2% to 100.28 =USD after easing 0.3% last week. The euro climbed 0.2% to $1.1190 EUR=EBS, having bounced on Friday after a benign U.S. inflation report. USD/

The euro zone releases inflation figures this week, along with producer prices and unemployment. German inflation and retail sales are due later on Monday, while European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde speaks to the European parliament.

Brent crude oil futures LCOc1 fell 52 cents to $71.46, while West Texas Intermediate was down 28 cents at $67.90.

While storm Helene had mostly passed, leaving devastation in many parts of the southern United States, a new tropical depression headed for landfall was expected to become another large and powerful hurricane later this week.

Hurricanes that hit the U.S. South and Eastern seaboard disrupt the supply chain of oil products and stoke supply concerns from the world's current largest producer of oil.

A softer dollar combined with lower bond yields to help gold reach $2,685 an ounce. It was last at $2,637 an ounce XAU=, and on track for its best quarter since 2016. GOL/

Asia stock markets https://tmsnrt.rs/2zpUAr4

Asia-Pacific valuations https://tmsnrt.rs/2Dr2BQA

Reporting by Nell Mackenzie, Dhara Ranasinghe and Wayne Cole; Editing by Christopher Cushing, Susan Fenton and Toby Chopra


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