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BofA profit beats estimates on investment banking, trading strength

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Investment banking fees jumped 18%

Confidence among clients led to more debt, equity issuance

Shares up almost 3%

Adds quotes in paragraph 3-4, 15, updates share price in paragraph 6

By Arasu Kannagi Basil and Nupur Anand

Oct 15 (Reuters) -Bank of America's BAC.N third-quarter profit dropped as it paid more to customers to hold onto their deposits but the earnings beat estimates, propelled by stronger investment banking and trading.

Investment banking fees jumped 18% compared with a year agoto $1.4 billion as confidence among clients improved, spurring them to issue more debt and equity.

"Our customers' deposit balances and asset quality are healthy, and we believe we have good opportunities to grow," Chief Financial Officer Alastair Borthwick told journalists.

Regarding investment banking, Borthwick said, "We feel pretty good looking forward. We've got a good pipeline.

CEO Brian Moynihan called the earnings "solid," citing growth in investment banking, asset management fees and sales and trading revenue.

A revival in mergers and acquisitions has also boosted advisory fees, while the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut last month could spur even more dealmaking.

Shares rose 2.6% in premarket trading.

The earnings echo thoseof rival JPMorgan Chase JPM.N and Wells Fargo WFC.N, whose results last week surpassed expectations, underpinned by improving conditions for investment banking.

BofA's underwriting income jumped 39.7% in the quarter, while syndication fees rose 31%.

Moynihan said last month that heexpected investment banking revenue to be broadly steady.

Sales and trading revenue jumped 12% to $4.9 billion, the 10th consecutive quarter of year-on-year growth, as equities climbed18% while fixed income, currencies and commodities rose 8%.

Equities trading was bolstered by buoyant markets. Stocks rallied in the third quarter as investors speculated that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates and spur economic activity.

BofA's wealth and investment management revenue climbed 8% to $5.8 billion and saw client balances jump 18% to $4.2 trillion, thanks to rising market valuations and client flows.


BofA's net interest income (NII) - the difference between what a bank earns on loans and pays out on deposits - fell 3% to $14 billion in the third quarter from a year earlier. But it climbed 2% from the second quarter, marking an inflection point as the bank focuses on growing NII from here, Borthwick said.

"A step in the right direction, and we're optimistic that the uptrend can continue," Chris Kotowski, an analyst at Oppenheimer, wrote in a note.

Banks have been paying out higher interest rates amid intense competition for deposits to prevent customers from fleeing to lucrative alternatives such as money market funds.

BofA's provision for credit losses climbedto $1.5 billion in the quarter from $1.2 billion a year earlier.

Higher interest rates are pressuring borrowers and increasing risks of defaults, prompting banks to build bigger provisions for cover for such loan losses.

Still, U.S. consumer credit is"pretty good," while delinquencies and defaults have flattened out as expected, Borthwick said.

The second-largest U.S. bank's net income fell to $6.9 billion, or 81 cents per share, from $7.8 billion, or 90 cents per share, a year earlier. Analysts on average expected BofA to earn 77 cents per share, according to estimates compiled by LSEG.

BofA shares vs benchmark S&P 500 index https://reut.rs/4h8ofro

Reporting by Arasu Kannagi Basil in Bengaluru and Nupur Anand in New York; Editing by Lananh Nguyen, Anil D'Silva and Mark Porter


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