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Hungarian inflation drops to lowest since 2021, Czech CPI jumps

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Adds Czech CPI, comments

Oct 10 (Reuters) -Hungary's headline inflation continued to fall in September and came in a touch below analyst expectations, while Czech consumer prices jumped more than expected, data showed on Thursday, sending mixed signals for near term interest rate cuts in the region.

In Hungary, year-on-year inflation eased to 3% in September from 3.4% in August, coming in below a Reuters poll forecast of 3.1%., while Czech prices jumped more than expected by 2.6% year-on-year, after a 2.2% rise in August.

The crown edged up after the data to stand 0.18% firmer on the day at 25.300 to the euro EURCZK=, while the Hungarian forint was losing 0.2% to stand at 399.35 to the euro EURHUF=, which would indicate a shift to more hawkish expectations for Czech policy moves versus Hungary.

The Hungarian inflation rate was the lowest rate since January 2021.

But services price growth remained elevated, the data showed, and core inflation ticked up to 4.8% from 4.6% in August, outside the 2-4% target band of the Hungarian central bank, which resumed its rate cut cycle in September, aided by a fall in inflation and a larger-than-usual cut by the U.S. Federal Reserve.

After the September rate cut, Deputy Governor Barnabas Virag said that in the following three months the bank would decide on rates on a monthly basis, weighing the options for no change or a small cut.

The forint's recent plunge to an 18-month-low could prompt the bank to hold rates at the next Oct. 22 meeting, some traders and analysts said.

"Although a further drop in inflation is positive news for the central bank, an October rate cut is still probably off the table given EUR/HUF levels and recent market volatility," ING said in a note.

In the Czech Republic, year-on-year price growth was above expectations of 2.4%, driven mainly by food prices as well as cost of housing.

Overall, goods prices rose by 1.2% while services prices jumped by 5%, extending growth that the central bank has said was one of the main reasons for caution in further rate cuts.

"The crown rate to the euro has weakened by 32 hellers since the start of September, which raises prices of imported goods," said Stepan Krecek, chief economist at BH Securities, in a note. "But overall the inflation remains tamed, so the CNB has free path to further lowering of interest rates."

The Czech central bank cut its main rate by 25 basis points to 4.25% last month, extending an easing drive that started in December.

Reporting by Anita Komuves in Budapest and Jan Lopatka in Prague; Editing by Toby Chopra, Elaine Hardcastle


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