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Ecuador nature deal scrutiny has not slowed work on debt swaps, IDB says

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IDB to finalise debt swaps with Barbados and Bahamas soon

Aims to sign 5 countries to commit SDR assets by year-end

Bank wants to boost help for Haiti

Adds bullet points, Bahamas swap timeline and quote from Goldfajn

By Libby George

HAMBURG, Oct 9 (Reuters) -An enquiry into Ecuador's landmark debt-for-nature swap has not slowed work on the increasingly popular instruments, the president of the Inter-American Development Bank told Reuters.

The bank expects to finalise a debt swap with Barbados within two months, and another with the Bahamas in the coming weeks, and is continually working on new deals, IDB President Ilan Goldfajn said in an interview.

"We're getting proposals every day for debt-for-education, for debt-for-blue-economy, debt-for-health," Goldfajn said, speaking on the sidelines of the Hamburg Sustainability Conference.

The swaps help debt-laden countries finance environment or social projects by exchanging existing debt for cheaper loans, typically with a credit guarantee from a multilateral development bank.

The IDB's independent oversight body is scrutinizing whether Ecuador's "debt-for-nature" swap, which converted $1.6 billion of debt into cheaper lending, breached the IDB's policies regarding transparency.

Goldfajn said he expected the investigators to send a mission to Ecuador, adding that the bank is committed to transparency and "fully respects the independent oversight office investigation."

The financial side of that transaction had gone well, he said, adding that bank and its partners would work with Ecuador's government to ensure the estimated $1 billion in savings had maximum impact.

Goldfajn did not outline the size of the Barbados or Bahamas swaps. In July, the bank and the European Investment Bank finalised a $300 million guarantee for Barbados that would channel savings towards water supply issues, while officials in the Bahamas said in June they were working on a swap involving less than $500 million of debt.


Goldfajn said the bank is progressing talks with governments in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, aiming to sign the first country to donate IMF reserve assets, so-called "special drawing rights", to leverage the bank's lending by year-end.

"(If) you have five, you have enough critical mass to actually launch the process," he said.

The IDB and the African Development Bank began a tour this summer to talk to governments after the IMF approved their plan in May. Goldfajn said the banks could turn every $1 dollar donated into $8 in lending.

The initiative is part of a push across multilateral development banks to boost lending without more direct donor cash.

While regulations mean European countries cannot sign on, Goldfajn said their treasuries could buy and sell the instruments once issued, providing crucial liquidity.

Goldfajn said the bank is also looking to increase its support for Haiti beyond the $150 million in grants it approved last year. Its lending portfolio, with $1.3 billion across 21 projects, was also continuing.

Haiti is "our most vulnerable country in the region, so it deserves our attention. We don't have the luxury of saying this is too complicated, or we don't have the luxury to say there is a security issue there."

Reporting By Libby George. Editing by Karin Strohecker and Christina Fincher


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