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FTX investors drop lawsuit against law firm Sullivan & Cromwell

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By David Thomas

Oct 9 (Reuters) -A group of FTX investors told a Miami federal court Wednesday that they are voluntarily dismissing their proposed class action against prominent U.S. law firm Sullivan & Cromwell.

The investors had accused Sullivan & Cromwell of participating in the defunct cryptocurrency exchange's multibillion-dollar fraud and then enriching itself as FTX's lead bankruptcy counsel. The firm had represented FTX on about 20 matters before it collapsed.

But lead plaintiffs' counsel Adam Moskowitz told Reuters on Wednesday that there was "no claim at this stage" against the New York-founded law firm.

Moskowitz cited the work done by FTX bankruptcy examiner Robert Cleary of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, who found in reports issued in May and September that Sullivan & Cromwell was not complicit in the fraud that caused the crypto company's collapse and had not ignored red flags during its representation of former FTX CEO and founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

"Bob Cleary's second report gave us enough evidence that there was no claim there," Moskowitz said.

A Sullivan & Cromwell spokesperson said in a statement that the firm is "pleased that the plaintiffs have withdrawn their meritless claims unconditionally, and our focus remains on returning billions of dollars in recovered assets to FTX’s creditors."

The lawsuit alleged Sullivan & Cromwell had unique insight into the exchange's "convoluted organizational structure, abject lack of internal controls, and dubious business practices." It also accused the firm's lawyers of being "eager to craft not only creative, but misleading strategies that furthered FTX’s misconduct."

Sullivan & Cromwell countered in a May filing that the allegations had "numerous legal defects" and relied on "threadbare allegations, unwarranted assumptions, and legal conclusions that the court need not accept as true even at the pleading stage."

FTX filed for bankruptcy in November 2022 in the wake of claims that the company misused and lost billions of dollars worth of customers' crypto deposits. Bankman-Fried was found guilty a year later of charges that he defrauded FTX customers by using their funds to prop up his own risky investments.

Plaintiffs' lawyers last week reached a deal with the FTX bankruptcy estate over who owns the rights to sue on behalf of customers of the crypto exchange.

Moskowitz said the deal was reached independently of the investors' decision to drop the lawsuit against Sullivan & Cromwell.

FTX received court approval for its bankruptcy plan on Monday, which will allow it to fully repay customers using up to $16.5 billion in assets recovered since the once-leading crypto exchange collapsed.

The case is In Re: FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange Collapse Litigation, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, 1:23-md-03076

Reporting by David Thomas


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