XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Wheat extends rally with weather and war risks in focus

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Updates at 1104 GMT, changes dateline

PARIS/CANBERRA, Oct 2 (Reuters) -Chicago wheat rose further on Wednesday to set a new 3-1/2-month high as concern grew about drought in Russia while a drone attack on a Ukrainian river port kept attention on war risks.

Corn prices also extended gains to a fresh three-month peak, supported by the wheat rally and a sharp rise in oil prices after an Iranian missile attack on Israel. O/R

Soybeans were little changed, with spillover from oil prices countered by U.S. harvest progress and forecasts of widespread rain in Brazil next week that could ease drought and aid soybean planting.

The most-active wheat contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Wv1 was up 1.1% at $6.05-3/4 a bushel at 1104 GMT, after touching $6.10, the highest since June 16.

Russia's weather forecast agency said on Wednesday that conditions for winter crops in some key producing regions were "worse than usual" in October due to a lack of precipitation.

That came after Russia's Voronezh declared a drought emergency for farmers on Tuesday.

"Climate fears in major producing countries as well as renewed geopolitical tensions in the Middle East supported prices," Argus analysts said in a note.

"Wheat has risen the most against the backdrop of worsening drought on plantings in Russia."

While a western swathe of the Black Sea zone has received significant rainfall, much of Russia's winter wheat belt has stayed dry.

The poor start to sowing has fuelled talk that Russia may restrict its exports later this season after heavy volumes shipped in recent months.

In the southern hemisphere, analysts have downgraded expectations for Australia's upcoming harvest by well over a million tons due to lack of rainfall and widespread frost.

A Russian drone attack damaged a grain facility in Ukraine near its Danube river border with Romania, Ukrainian officials said.

That put attention back on risks to Black Sea trade from Russia's conflict with Ukraine.

CBOT corn Cv1 rose 0.9% to $4.32-3/4 a bushel after hitting $4.34-1/2, its highest since June 27.

Soybeans Sv1 eased 0.3% to $10.54 a bushel.

U.S. farmers are midway through what are expected to be huge harvests of corn and soybeans.

StoneX on Tuesday raised its estimates for U.S. yields and production of both crops.

Prices at 1104 GMT



Pct Move

CBOT wheat Wv1




CBOT corn Cv1




CBOT soy Sv1




Paris wheat BL2Z4




Paris maize EMAc1




Paris rapeseed COMc1




WTI crude oil CLc1




Euro/dlr EUR=




Most active contracts - Wheat, corn and soy US

cents/bushel, Paris futures in euros per metric ton

Reporting by Gus Trompiz in Paris and Peter Hobson in Canberra; Editing by Rashmi Aich, Sumana Nandy, Elaine Hardcastle


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