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US recap: JOLTS boosts EUR/USD, but yen maintains spotlight

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Dollar downside vs yen finds support as recent range lows near

MXN/JPY may have triggered another warning for risk assets

Sept 4 (Reuters) -The dollar index fell on Wednesday after U.S. job openings data came in lower than expected, leading markets to increase bets on the Fed going big when it launches a widely expected rate-cutting cycle on Sept. 18, while yen strength remained a key market factor.

The JOLTS report showed job openings fell to 7.673 mln in July -- the lowest level since January 2021 -- from a downwardly revised 7.910 mln in June and below the Reuters consensus forecast of 8.100 mln.

The dollar extended earlier losses following the data as bets on a 50bp rate cut this month -- instead of a more conventional 25bp move -- rose, with the market now seeing a 43% chance of such an outcome versus about 35% on Tuesday.

Tempering the JOLTS weakness, factory orders rose 5.0% in July, rebounding from a 3.3% fall the previous month and exceeding the consensus forecast for a 4.7% increase.

According to the Fed's Beige Book report, U.S. economic activity expanded more slowly from mid July through late August and businesses reported less hiring, signals that underscore why the U.S. central bank is set to lower interest rates later this month.

The Bank of Canada cut its key policy rate by 25 basis points to 4.25% as forecast but expressed concern that weaker-than-expected growth might mean inflation falls too quickly.

Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said his business contacts describe an economy and labor market losing momentum, though there was no panic, while he added that price pressures are diminishing quickly and broadly.

U.S. Treasury yields fell 6-11bp across maturities in a bond rally led by the front end, which steepened the 2s-10s curve nearly 2.53bp to a barely inverted -0.67bp at the mid level, according to LSEG data.

By New York afternoon trade, the S&P 500 had fallen 0.29%, losing earlier gains.

WTI weakened 1.72% because of pessimism about demand in the coming months as crude producers offered mixed signals about supply increases.

Copper was down 0.38% and had earlier hit a three-week low as worries about the prospect of weaker global economic growth dampening demand for industrial metals weighed.

Gold was little changed after rebounding from earlier lows with the help of the weaker dollar and lower yields in the wake of the JOLTS data.

Heading toward the close: EUR/USD +0.28%, USD/JPY -1.107%, GBP/USD +0.19%, AUD/USD +0.05%, DXY -0.45%, EUR/JPY -0.89%, GBP/JPY -0.85%, AUD/JPY -0.92%, USD/CAD -0.25%.

For more click on FXBUZ

(Burton Frierson)


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Riskdan ogohlantirish: Kapitalingiz risk ostida. Kredit yordamiga ega mahsulotlar hammaga ham toʻgʻri kelmasligi mumkin. Bizning Risklardan ogohlantirishimiz bilan tanishib chiqing.