XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Supply fears hold wheat near 3-month highs

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CANBERRA, Sept 16 (Reuters) -Chicago wheat futures dipped from three-month highs on Monday but were supported by concerns over crop production in Europe and escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine that could impact exports.

Corn and soybean futures also fell as the United States geared up for large harvests of both crops.


* The most-active wheat contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Wv1 was down 0.3% at $5.93 a bushel by 0026 GMT after touching $5.99 on Friday, the highest since June 19.

* CBOT corn Cv1 slipped 0.7% to $4.10-1/2 a bushel and soybeans Sv1 fell 0.3% to $10.03 a bushel.

* Wheat prices have risen by around 13% in the last three weeks, helped in part by a weak dollar that has made U.S. farm goods cheaper for overseas buyers. FRX/ USD=

* Moscow declined to comment after Ukraine last week accused it of striking a grain vessel with a missile.

* Russia is the world's top wheat exporter and Ukraine is a major supplier. The ship attack added to doubts about Black Sea supply after adverse weather hit crops in the region.

* Strategie Grains and the U.S. Department of Agriculture again cut their forecasts for European Union soft wheat production after too-heavy rains hit some cropping regions.

* "Europe's crop could still see another 4-6 million metric tons in reductions going forward – some would say more – while the size and quality of the Russian crop could also see more downward revisions," StoneX analyst Arlan Suderman wrote in a note.

* However, the USDA also raised its estimate for global wheat ending stocks, limiting price gains, analysts said.

* In other crops, the USDA raised its forecast for U.S. corn production and yields and trimmed its projection for soybean production.

* However, the U.S. soybean crop is still expected to be the largest ever and its corn harvest the second biggest.

* The monthly U.S. soybean crush likely fell by more than 6% in August as processors idled plants for seasonal maintenance and repairs, analysts said ahead of a National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) report due on Monday.

* Speculators last week reduced short positions in CBOT corn, soybean and wheat futures but are still bearish on all three.


* Asian stocks made a cautious start in a week that is almost certain to see the start of an easing cycle in the United States, with investors debating the size of the cut. MKTS/GLOB

Reporting by Peter Hobson; Editing by Rashmi Aich


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