XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Paris wheat in technical bounce as rain hits harvest again

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Updates with close, adds new quote, positions data, rapeseed expiry

PARIS, July 31 (Reuters) -Euronext wheat futures rose on Wednesday in a technical rebound after a six-session slide while traders awaited further news on rain-hit harvesting in western Europe, dealers said.

September wheat BL2U4 on Paris-based Euronext settled 2.3% up at 220.25 euros ($238.05) a metric ton.

The front-month contract reached its lowest in nearly two weeks on Tuesday at 214.25 euros, but traders said it held an important chart floor at 214-215 euros.

The bounce was supported by a recovery in broader commodity markets, which have been dented this month by worries over China's economy.

Crude oil rebounded on concerns over escalating Middle East tensions after the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, while metals found support in a weaker dollar ahead of a U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate decision. O/R MET/L

Gains on Euronext accelerated as Chicago wheat Wv1 turned higher to move away from a four-year low struck this week. GRA/

"Prices on Euronext... have found major support zones," Argus analysts said in a note. "The current environment is disrupted by both political and macroeconomic uncertainties."

Dealers said the rebound looked technically driven, with market fundamentals still marked by large northern harvest supplies and export competition from the Black Sea region.

But signs of firmer Russian prices and more indications of a very poor French harvest were lending some support, they said.

Overnight storms and more showers forecast for later on Wednesday could halt the French harvest again after farmers made progress during an early-week hot spell.

Wheat producer group AGPB said on Tuesday that the French crop could drop as low as 26 million tons, the lowest level since the 1980s.

Moisson Live ("Harvest Live"), a widely followed French website that compiles harvest results from farmers, showed a projection for the soft wheat crop at 26.4 million tons based on samples submitted up to Tuesday.

Financial investors increased their net short position in Euronext wheat last week while expanding their net long position in the exchange's rapeseed contract, data showed.

Wednesday's close marked the expiry of August rapeseed COMQ4, with the front-month contract settling at 462.00 euros per ton, up 2.4% on the day.

Euronext said separately it had corrected open interest figures for the August contract since Tuesday after adjustments by clearing members.

($1 = 0.9252 euros)

Reporting by Gus Trompiz; Editing by Alexandra Hudson and Shailesh Kuber


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