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PARIS OLYMPICS 2024: What you need to know right now

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Recasts with Sunday highlights

PARIS, July 28 (Reuters) -Enfin! A yellow disc has appeared in the Paris sky.

The rain has moved on and the Olympic venues set amongst the French capital's most famous landmarks will finally bathe in the warmth and light Paris 2024 organisers had been dreaming of.

Here's what you need to know about the Olympics on Sunday.


France crushed hot favourites Fiji to win gold in the men's rugby sevens infront of a delirious home crowd. Les Bleus scored four tries for a 28-7 scoreline.

Double-defending champions Fiji had won all 17 of their previous matches in the Olympics but had no answer to the high-impact appearance of French talisman Antoine Dupont in the second half.


Australia's Ariarne Titmus made a golden start at the Paris Games, beating Canadian teenager Summer McIntosh and American great Katie Ledecky to win the women's 400 metres freestyle .

The crowd was hollering from the start of a contest that had been compared to the epic men's 200 freestyle "Race of the Century" in 2004.

Australia's women swimmers added another gold in the 4x100 metres freestyle.


France's 1.4 billion euro ($1.52 billion) gamble to hold the triathlon swimming in the River Seine hangs in the balance, after organisers were forced to cancel a training session on Sunday due to excessive pollution levels.

"The tests carried out in the Seine yesterday revealed water quality levels that in the view of the international federation, World Triathlon, did not provide sufficient guarantees to allow the event to be held," said Paris 2024.

Efforts to make the once-murky Seine waters fit for swimming in time for the Games include a giant subterranean reservoir designed to prevent rainwater runoff mixing with the capital's waste water.


Teahupo'o served up some brutal barrels as the Olympic surfing got underway in Tahiti with the U.S. team setting the standard. Vahine Fierro, surfing in her first Olympic heat at her home break, was another standout.


Australian doubles-specialist Matthew Ebden didn't expect to last long against Novak Djokovic in the first round of the Olympics on Saturday and he wasn't wrong - but it left the Serbian wondering why his opponent was competing in the singles.

The Australian at one point jokingly offered his racket to a fan inside Court Phillipe Chatrier after losing the first eight games.


A parody of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous fresco 'The Last Supper' featuring drag queens in the Olympic opening ceremony sparked fury among the Catholic church and far-right politicians, while supporters praised its message of tolerance.

($1 = 0.9211 euros)

Reuters Olympics coverage home https://www.reuters.com/sports/olympics/

Explainer: Olympics schedule, map, medals table, sports guides https://www.reuters.com/graphics/OLYMPICS-2024/EXPLAINER/byprqrwmqve/

Compiled by Richard Lough; Editing by Peter Rutherford


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