XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Palm ends flat on China's anti-dumping probe, fall of India's imports

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Updates with closing prices

By Dewi Kurniawati

JAKARTA, Sept 3 (Reuters) -Malaysian palm oil futures closed flat on Tuesday, on the news that China will start an anti-dumping probe into canola imports from Canada and the fall of India's palm oil imports.

The benchmark palm oil contract FCPOc3 for November delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange was traded flat to close at 3,933 ringgit ($901.03) a metric ton on the closing.

China said on Tuesday it plans to start an anti-dumping investigation into canola imports from Canada, after Ottawa moved to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, sending prices of domestic rapeseed oil futures to a one-month peak.

China's rapeseed meal futures CRSMcv1 prices jumped 6.03%.

India's palm oil imports in August fell 27% from a month ago on ample stocks and as negative margins prompted refiners to curtail purchases of the tropical oil, five dealers said on Tuesday.

Lower purchases by the world's biggest importer of vegetable oils could lead to higher stocks of palm oil in key producers Indonesia and Malaysia, weighing on benchmark futures.

"Overall, lots of ambiguity surrounding the market today. It's a roller coaster day, juxtaposed between bearish externals from the news of anti dumping and India, and friendly internals of slower production pace and weaker ringgit," said Paramalingam Supramaniam, director at Selangor-based brokerage Pelindung Bestari.

The Malaysian ringgit MYR=, palm's currency of trade, weakened 0.34%against the dollar. A weaker ringgit makes palm oil more attractive for foreign currency holders.

Dalian's most-active soyoil contract DBYcv1 rose 1.04%, while its palm oil contract DCPcv1 was up 0.53%. The Chicago Board of Trade BOcv1 dropped 2.43%.

Palm oil tracks price movements in related oils as they compete for a share in the global vegetable oils market.

Malaysia's August palm oil exports are seen at 1,376,412 metric tons, according to Amspec Agri.

Exports of Malaysian palm oil products for August fell 9.9% to 1,445,442 metric tons from 1,604,578 metric tons shipped during July, cargo surveyor Intertek Testing Services said.

Brent oil prices declined 2% on Tuesday as sluggish economic growth in China, the world's biggest crude importer, increased demand concerns that overshadowed the impact of halted production and exports from Libya.O/R

Stronger crude oil futures make palm a more attractive option for biodiesel feedstock.

($1 = 4.3650 ringgit)

Reporting by Dewi Kurniawati; Editing by Rashmi Aich, Mrigank Dhaniwala and Alan Barona

For a table on Malaysian physical palm oil prices, including refined oil, Reuters Terminal users can double click on or type OILS/MY01.
* To view freight rates from Peninsula Malaysia/Sumatra to China, India, Pakistan and Rotterdam, please key in OILS/ASIA2 and press enter, or double click between the brackets.
* Reuters Terminal users can see cash and futures edible oil prices by double clicking on the codes in the brackets: To go to the next page in the same chain, hit F12. To go back, hit F11.

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Malaysian palm oil exports SGSPALM1
CBOT soyoil futures 0#BO:
CBOT soybean futures 0#S:
Indian solvent SOLVENT01
Dalian Commodity Exchange DC/MENU
Dalian soyoil futures 0#DBY:
Dalian refined palm oil futures 0#DCP:
Zhengzhou rapeseed oil 0#COI:
European edible oil prices/trades OILS/E

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