XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

OPEC August output falls to lowest since January on Libya, survey finds

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Output drops 340,000 bpd from July

Iraq, Iran also pump less

Details by country here

Adds details from paragraph 3

By Alex Lawler

LONDON, Sept 2 (Reuters) -OPEC oil output fell in August to its lowest since January, a Reuters survey found on Monday, as unrest that disrupted Libyan supply added to the impact of ongoing voluntary supply cuts by other members and the wider OPEC+ alliance.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries pumped 26.36 million barrels per day last month, down 340,000 bpd from July, the survey found. This was the lowest total since January 2024, according to Reuters surveys. PRODN-TOTAL

A drop in Libyan exports and production amid a standoff between political factions over control of the central bank has helped boost oil prices and, sources say, increased the prospect that OPEC+ will proceed with a planned output hike from October.

Libya provided the largest supply loss last month of 290,000 bpd, the survey found. Output was disrupted at the Sharara field early in the month and at more fields towards the end, trimming output to an average of 900,000 bpd, the survey found.

Some flows data, such as that of Kpler, showed little impact on Libyan exports in August, although sources in the survey estimated the production impact to be more significant.

Libya is exempt from OPEC+ agreements to limit production. Other declines came from Iraq, which lowered exports in August according to the survey and is seeking to boost compliance with its OPEC target, and from Iran which is also exempt.

Iran has been boosting exports in the last few years despite U.S. sanctions remaining in place and is still pumping close to the highest levels since 2018.

Among countries posting higher output, there was a small increase in Nigeria which boosted exports, the survey found.

OPEC pumped about 220,000 bpd more than the implied target for the nine members covered by supply cut agreements, with Iraq still accounting for the bulk of the excess, the survey found.

The Reuters survey aims to track supply to the market and is based on shipping data provided by external sources, LSEG flows data, information from companies that track flows such as Kpler and Petro-Logistics, and information provided by sources at oil companies, OPEC and consultants.

Additional reporting by Ahmad Ghaddar; Editing by Jan Harvey and Christina Fincher


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