XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Latam FX down, with copper exporters leading losses

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Brazil inflation speeds up ahead of central bank rate decision

Markets monitor election developments in oil-rich Venezuela

Latam stocks down 0.3%, FX off 0.6%

Updated at 3:33 p.m. ET/ 1933 GMT

By Johann M Cherian and Shashwat Chauhan

July 25 (Reuters) -Currencies of copper-producing nations in Latin America fell on Thursday as prices of the red metal remained under pressure, while Brazil's real edged up after an unexpected uptick in domestic inflation.

Brazil's real BRL= inched up 0.2% after data showed consumer prices in the region's biggest economy rose more than expected in the month to mid-July, driven by higher transportation and housing costs, firming bets that the local central bank would stay put on borrowing costs later in the month.

Referring to the data, analysts at Citi wrote that it "suggests still uncomfortable inflation pressures, reinforcing our higher-than-consensus inflation forecast of 4.2% YoY by year-end and our call that Copom should remain muted for much longer, with Selic at 10.5%."

The real is the top underperformer among major economies in the region, down over 16% year-to-date following a selloff towards the end of the second quarter on concerns around fiscal instability in the country.

Copper producers Peru's sol PEN= weakened 0.3% and Chile's peso CLP= slipped 0.3% asprices of the red metal dipped below $9,000 per metric ton for the first time since April on funds selling. MET/L

Mexico's peso MXN= slipped 0.4%, extending losses after hittinga three-week low in the previous session when electricvehicle maker Tesla's TSLA.O CEO Elon Musk cautioned against investing in the country if Donald Trump wins a second U.S. presidency and imposes heavy tariffs on vehicles produced in Mexico.

Concerns around judicial reforms supported by MexicanPresident-elect Claudia Sheinbaum and potential negative impact on trade, immigration and security between the U.S. and Mexico have weighed on the peso recently.

Oil producer Colombia's peso COP= edged up 0.2% in thin trading, while MSCI'sgauge for regional currencies .MILA00000CUS slipped 0.3%, after notching its steepest one-day drop in a week on Wednesday.

On the equities front, MSCI's index tracking regional bourses .MILA00000PUS fell 0.6% to hit over a three-week low, with Brazil's Bovespa .BVSP slipping 0.3%, weighed down by the real estate sector.

Mexico's main index .MXX dipped 0.6%, while Argentina's MerVal .MERV shed over 2%.

Shares of Mexico'sBecle CUERVO.MX, the world's largest tequila producer, were last up 2.6% despite reporting 62.5% drop in its second-quarter net profit, whileCemex CEMEXCPO.MX, one of the world's largest cement producers, reported a slight dip in its second-quarter net profit. Its shares were last up around 5.3%.

Attention will also be on upcoming presidential elections in Venezuela on Sunday.


** Brazil government mulls 'tougher measures and sanctions' on Vale, minister says

** Chile's Boric calls on Venezuela to guarantee fair vote

** Mexico will have good relations with US regardless who wins election, says Sheinbaum

Key Latin American stock indexes and currencies:


Daily % change

MSCI Emerging Markets .MSCIEF






Brazil Bovespa .BVSP



Mexico IPC .MXX






Argentina MerVal .MERV








Daily % change

Brazil real BRBY



Mexico peso MXN=D2



Chile peso CLP=CL



Colombia peso COP=



Peru sol PEN=PE



Argentina peso (interbank) ARS=RASL



Argentina peso (parallel) ARSB=



Reporting by Johann M Cherian and Shashwat Chauhan in Bengaluru; Editing by Alistair Bell and Marguerita Choy


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